In "Eternity is Too Long to Be Wrong", Pastor Tim Dilena teaches on John chapter 3, about how an unexpected conversation gave us an amazing, both exposition and an explanation on eternity, so we don't have to be wrong. It also gives...
God has placed eternity in our hearts. Do you want to see a miracle today? Tell someone about Jesus, and you may see a dead person be made alive right before your eyes and be granted eternal life....
The future judgment we will experience is a matter of choice. We can choose the judgment seat of Christ, where we will be rewarded for what we have done in and for His name....
Do you know where you’re going after you die? Because once you breathe your last you will either experience the glory of heaven or the agony of hell. It’s the decision you make in this life that determines eternity. Join Pastor Jeff Schreve as he...
There are two future judgments coming. Those who are unsaved will appear before God’s White Throne Judgment. And believers will stand before the judgment seat of Christ. Those who are saved and in Christ will not appear before the Great White Throne...
In Mark chapter 10, the rich young ruler asks Jesus this question: What must I do to inherit eternal life?” True salvation comes God’s way and requires full surrender to Him. How will you respond to the Lord’s invitation to trust him? Will you...
At the cross, Jesus not only triumphed over the kingdom of darkness and bought our salvation with His blood, He also gave everyone who would believe in Him a precious gift: eternal security. Once we surrender to Jesus, we don’t have to live with...
Do you ever doubt where you’ll spend eternity? See if you fit Billy Graham's description of a true believer in this 1993 message from Columbus, Ohio....