Jack Hibbs - How Can I Share What Christ Has Done For Me?

Jack Hibbs

The Real Life Basics are a collection of videos that seek to help define the foundational principles of Christianity. We trust they will help you better understanding your Christian faith and how you can grow in your relationship with God....

Charles Stanley - Because He Came We Must Go

Charles Stanley

What is the one thing you could do for someone that would benefit them every single day? Dr. Stanley explains that Jesus Christ was sent by God and we, as believers, are sent by Christ to share His gospel with others....

Robert Jeffress - Portrait Of An Effective Evangelist

Robert Jeffress

The first – and only – person called an "evangelist" in the Bible was not a paid professional apostle or pastor, but a layperson named Philip. Today, we are going to discover how God used this ordinary Christian in an extraordinary way to...

Jeff Schreve - The Church and the Gates of Hell

Jeff Schreve

The people of God make up God’s church. And the church has a mission to fulfill to reach the world with the good news. But what forces can create barriers to the fulfillment of this mandate from God? What causes the church to be hindered from our...

Rick Renner - Methods Change, the Message is the Same

Rick Renner

The seduction and delusion that is indicative of the last age is going to try to get inside the church. Is it already happening? Although the world may change, Hebrews 13:8 teaches that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. His truth does...

Sid Roth - Taking Jesus to Walmart with Brian Blount

Sid Roth

Watch Brian Blount take Jesus to Walmart! Brian Blount says Jesus is calling ordinary, everyday believers to be themselves and step into the extraordinary works of the Kingdom. Right where you are! What if the power of God broke loose at Walmart?...

Robert Morris - Engaging Influencers

Robert Morris

This weekend, Pastor Robert continues the REAL series with a message titled “Engaging Influencers” where he talks about how we are salt and light in the world. God wants us to be influencers, and He wants us to be engaged in society....

Robert Morris - Relevant Fisherman

Robert Morris

We are called to fish for people or share God with others. But we need to understand a few key concepts of fishing to be effective fishers of men and women....

Louie Giglio - Share Jesus Without Fear

Louie Giglio

To all of us who have found freedom, forgiveness, and hope in Jesus, we need to be thinking about the people around us and doing whatever it takes to take that message to them. In week four of our series, BE BRIGHT, Pastor Louie Giglio digs into the...

Sid Roth - 3,100 Israeli Jews Saved! Ancient Door of Evangelism Has Opened!

Sid Roth

On this episode of Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! 2016: I’ve been reporting on the supernatural for over 40 years, but what just happened in Tel Aviv, Israel is unheard of. Thirty-three buses jam-packed with unsaved Jewish Israelis came to...

Kenneth Copeland - Sharing the Gospel Through Covenant Partnership

Kenneth Copeland

Watch Believer's Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland and Professor Greg Stephens teach you the importance of sharing the gospel through covenant partnership. We are all called to preach the gospel, and when we partner with those who are...

Max Lucado - Gospel According to a Crook

Max Lucado

This message by Max Lucado explores the Gospel as expressed in the conversation between Jesus and the two criminals being crucified with him at Golgotha....