David Jeremiah - The Blessing

David Jeremiah

We've been studying an incredible paragraph of Scripture, but the best is just ahead--the seven blessings God gives to those who diligently add to their faith virtue, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness, and...

David Jeremiah - Selfless Love

David Jeremiah

As Peter listed the qualities we must develop as we grow in Christ, he climaxes his list with love, telling us to build love on top of our brotherly kindness. The kind of love Peter had in mind was demonstrated by Jesus in the Upper Room on the...

David Jeremiah - Radical Kindness

David Jeremiah

In 1 Peter 1:3-8, the Lord gives us a series of eight critical character qualities necessary for triumphant living. Brotherly kindness is high on the list; in fact, it's right before agape love itself. The term "brotherly kindness" is...

David Jeremiah - Relentless Determination

David Jeremiah

Life is full of setbacks, disappointments, and hard work. Many people no longer know how to keep going without faltering, and a lot of folks take the path of least resistance, But when the power of God gives us everything we need for a godly life,...

David Jeremiah - Personal Discipline

David Jeremiah

In Peter's list of qualities we are to cultivate, he tells us to add self-control into the mixture of our life (2 Peter 1:6). A person without self-control is like a city without walls; the enemy can burst in and plunder at will. But someone...

David Jeremiah - Mental Focus

David Jeremiah

Peter began his second letter by telling us that God has given us everything we need to a godly life, but we must make an effort to actualize godliness. One of the ways we do this is by adding knowledge to our developing traits. This has nothing to...

David Jeremiah - Moral Excellence

David Jeremiah

According to 2 Peter 1:3-8, God has given us everything we need for godliness; He has given us a set of powerful promises. As we put those into operation, we must be diligent to work on certain traits that He desires to see in our life. One of these...

David Jeremiah - Muscular Faith

David Jeremiah

Peter opens his second epistle by telling us God has given us everything we need for life and godliness, and He empowers us for that kind of life by His great and precious promises. We’re not a passive part of the process. We must diligently work to...

David Jeremiah - The Promise

David Jeremiah

In a world of pressure and corruption, God has something dramatic to tell His children. His own power has already given us everything we need to live a godly life. God has conveyed this power to us through His exceedingly great and precious...

David Jeremiah - Everything You Need Interview

David Jeremiah

During this special interview with Sheila Walsh; Dr. Jeremiah previews the eight essential steps to living a life confident in God's promises....

David Jeremiah - Christlike Character

David Jeremiah

We live in a dirty world, which makes it challenging to keep our lives clean. Yet Peter tells us to add godliness to our perseverance and to the other qualities we're developing. Godliness is akin to Christlikeness. Jesus Christ, being God,...