Tim Dilena - Something Better is Coming

Tim Dilena

In "Something Better is Coming," Pastor Tim Dilena emphasizes the theme that "when something is over, something better is coming," drawing parallels between the disciples' experience on the mount of transfiguration and the...

Jack Hibbs - Pregnant With Expectation

Jack Hibbs

All creation groans as it waits for full and final restoration and redemption. We may suffer now, but our heavenly reward is worth the wait! Anticipate the imminent return of Jesus Christ as Pastor Jack talks about our hope and expectation in...

Joel Osteen - The Promise is Coming (2023)

Joel Osteen

We're all waiting for something: waiting for a dream to come to pass or waiting for a health to improve, waiting for a child to turn around. When it's taken a long time, and we don't see anything happening, it's easy to get...

Jerry Savelle - Increasing Your Level of Expectation - Part 2

Jerry Savelle

Often times we let doubt and unbelief creep in and rob us....

Jerry Savelle - Increasing Your Level of Expectation - Part 1

Jerry Savelle

God has called us to live a life without limits. Unfortunately, one of the biggest hindrances we can face are the ones we create ourselves by placing limits on what God can do in our lives....

Steven Furtick - When Reality Isn't What You Expected

Steven Furtick

When you’re in a season of chaos, it’s important to keep it in the context of God’s grace. This is an excerpt from "Don't Make A Scene....

#611 - Joseph Prince - The Power Of Positive Expectations - Part 4

Joseph Prince

You must receive the gift of righteousness. It's called a gift. If you earn it, it's no more a gift. If you think you deserve it, it's no more a gift. Because you feel like you've done something extra that day, amen, you're...

#611 - Joseph Prince - The Power Of Positive Expectations - Part 3

Joseph Prince

Hope, positive expectation of good. Child of God, you're not supposed to share the portion of the world. Don't have this fearful expectation of judgment. You must settle this once and for all. Your sins have been put away. God has forgiven...

#611 - Joseph Prince - The Power Of Positive Expectations - Part 2

Joseph Prince

When Christ hung there on the cross, not only he died for your sins, he died as you. Now watch this: In other words, you will never be held accountable for your sins anymore. God raised Jesus from the dead because God declared you righteous....

#611 - Joseph Prince - The Power Of Positive Expectations - Part 1

Joseph Prince

We are in Christ, amen? He took our place that we might take his place. Now, our place is a bad place, his place is a place of glory, of light, of brightness, of wholeness, of peace, shalom. To give us his place, amen, is actually for him to give up...