Steven Furtick - It's Okay to Fail. Don't Let It Stop You

Steven Furtick

Hosts Elijah Furtick and JT Smith offer fresh, distinctive perspectives on topics that speak directly to the YTH of Elevation Church. With their guests, they have helpful conversations that bridge the gap between culture and faith. In this clip,...

Steven Furtick - Feeling Like A Failure?

Steven Furtick

God help me fail in a way that moves me forward. In “Feeling Like A Failure?,” Pastor Steven Furtick helps us see that our failures are opportunities for God to work through us. This is an excerpt from "Help Me Fail."...

#640 - Joseph Prince - Your Failure Isn't Final - Part 4

Joseph Prince

When Jesus died on a cross, his death, it met every attribute of God, justice, amen, God's righteousness, unbending righteousness, all that when Jesus died on cross. He shed his blood. He fully met all the requirements of a holy God of...

#640 - Joseph Prince - Your Failure Isn't Final - Part 3

Joseph Prince

Jesus Christ at the cross became of guilt offering and for our sakes, on our behalf, he restored to God 120% of the reverence, 120% of worship and obedience that we could never render to God, and God's sets it to your account, hallelujah. Jesus...

#640 - Joseph Prince - Your Failure Isn't Final - Part 2

Joseph Prince

As far as God is concerned, one of mankind has made it to the Holy of Holies. One of the human race has conquered Satan. Not as God, but as a man. For generations across the millennia, death came marching for every man, until the day came that a man...

#640 - Joseph Prince - Your Failure Isn't Final - Part 1

Joseph Prince

Power is found in the gospel of Jesus Christ. I'm so excited to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ again and again because, you know what? We're still discovering the magnitude of what the Father has in his heart when he gave us this...

#640 - Joseph Prince - Your Failure Isn't Final - Highlights

Joseph Prince

We look to the cross and every time we fail, whether in thought, word, or deed, amen, look to the cross and say, "Lord, I thank you that you bore this guilt, amen. You bore the judgment of it, you bore the guilt of it". "Jesus cannot...

Carter Conlon - Heaven's View Of Our Failures

Carter Conlon

Pastor Carter Conlon preach today on: Heaven's View Of Our Failures...

#430 - Joseph Prince - Turn Your Failures Into Blessings - Part 4

Joseph Prince

Make sure you're involved in eternal things. Get involved with souls. Get involved in the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ, amen....

#430 - Joseph Prince - Turn Your Failures Into Blessings - Part 3

Joseph Prince

The only way God deals with sin, God forgives, and he did it through Jesus Christ being our Savior, dying for our sins on the cross, and rising again from the dead....

#430 - Joseph Prince - Turn Your Failures Into Blessings - Part 2

Joseph Prince

God demonstrated his power in the Old Testament. God brought the children of Israel by a mighty hand, brought them through the Red Sea. God provided manna every day. God is a God of power, yes. But if God just did that, they'll never know God...

#430 - Joseph Prince - Turn Your Failures Into Blessings - Part 1

Joseph Prince

We are righteous because of one man's obedience, and his name is? JESUS!...