TD Jakes - This Famine Won't Last

TD Jakes

The enemy wants you to think the famine you're stuck in will last forever. That's a lie! Not only will the famine end, but God has already prepared an abundance for you. When Ruth and Naomi were traveling to Bethlehem during a great...

#608 - Joseph Prince - Strong Encouragement In Times Of Famine - Part 3

Joseph Prince

God says we are the seed of Abraham. You and I, we are the seed of Abraham because we are in Christ, the seed of Abraham. Therefore, when God says to you in the context of Hebrews, he's talking to the believers now, Abraham is already in...

#608 - Joseph Prince - Strong Encouragement In Times Of Famine - Part 2

Joseph Prince

Today we have the Holy Spirit in us, and Jesus says he'll be in you forever. For how long? Forever. Forever is a long time, my friend. If you believe on Christ, the Bible says, Jesus says, "I give them eternal life, and no man can pluck...

#608 - Joseph Prince - Strong Encouragement In Times Of Famine - Part 1

Joseph Prince

The word "echo" actually means hold. Hold on to, amen? Hold on actively. Actively hold on to the fact that you have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, amen. Every day, know this: Having been declared righteous and declare,...

#608 - Joseph Prince - Strong Encouragement In Times Of Famine - Highlights

Joseph Prince

It's impossible for God to lie. When God says surely blessing, I will bless you, multiplying, I will multiply you. Receive that word. And don't worry about your job. Don't worry about your future. Don't worry about your children...

#600 - Joseph Prince - Experience Abundance In Times Of Famine - Part 3

Joseph Prince

You don't have to tithe. You get to tithe. So that's why I say that tithing is a revelation, amen. Why do you wanna get out of it when it's a way of... I mean, God loves it. It's a way of pleasing God. You are saying, "God,...

#600 - Joseph Prince - Experience Abundance In Times Of Famine - Part 2

Joseph Prince

The primary reason that Jesus laid down his life is not to bear our sins. That's not the primary, he did bear our sins but that's not the primary reason. Is to glorify God. His heart's desire is always to fulfill God's will. He...

#600 - Joseph Prince - Experience Abundance In Times Of Famine - Part 1

Joseph Prince

Rest easy, my brother. The supply is forthcoming in the name of Jesus, amen, amen. Sometimes there is a shaking in certain things in the financial realm, in our lives and all that, and we don't like it because we like what is visible and what...

Sid Roth - The Coming Famine is Worse Than I Thought

Sid Roth

God’s global reset has begun, and it’s the one that matters. A long promised shaking is underway in the nations and systems of the earth. But even as the world churns, you can stand firm. Pastor and prophet Joshua Giles says there remains a place of...

Rick Renner - Famine, Pestilence, and Diseases

Rick Renner

Jesus warned us of pandemics and economic instability at the end of the age. Join Rick Renner to see if these events are happening today....

Bill Johnson - What To Do With A Famine

Bill Johnson

It is time we refuse to be impressed by a famine. We need to stand in the face of a famine and plant anyway! Abundance lies latent in every famine waiting to be awakened by a believer's bold declaration....

Kenneth Copeland - Living In The Blessing During Famine

Kenneth Copeland

Do you expect to be BLESSED when the world is facing an economic downturn? Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he explains why you should be seeing the same BLESSING on your life that Joseph had on his—even in a pandemic. You can...