TD Jakes - The Reflection of Fatherhood

TD Jakes

Watch Bishop TD Jakes Sermon titled: The Reflection of Fatherhood. This is an excerpt from: The Legacy of Fatherhood...

TD Jakes - The Significance Of A Father

TD Jakes

Bishop T.D. Jakes & Dexter Jakes sits down do talk about The Significance Of A Father - excerpt from Together Strong....

Creflo Dollar - Overcoming the Regret of Fatherhood Failures - Part 2

Creflo Dollar

There's a lot of stuff about the man's life. You keep allowing it to destroy you, knowing you, you know, I wish I can go back. You can't. So that's the reality of it. You cannot go back. Ain't nothing you can do. You...

Creflo Dollar - Overcoming the Regret of Fatherhood Failures - Part 1

Creflo Dollar

And I tell you what, God can make you a better father today. All right, you can't go back and do nothing about what you did in the past. It's gone. It's gone. But if you'll accept who God told you to accept, what he told you to...

Louie Giglio - Make the Call

Louie Giglio

This week we’re thrilled to bring you a powerful conversation between Pastor Louie Giglio and Legendary College Football Coach Mark Richt where they discuss fatherhood, mentorship, and the moment that changed a young man’s life forever....

Louie Giglio - Daddy, Watch Me

Louie Giglio

Fatherhood matters. It matters to God, and it matters to us. So many of us are growing up fatherless, whether it’s because of illness, absence, or attitude. We carry these wounds with us for the rest of our lives, and even if don’t mean to we attach...

TD Jakes - The Legacy of Fatherhood

TD Jakes

“Gather yourselves together, and hear, ye sons of Jacob; and harken unto Israel your Father”(Genesis 49:2). We are not visitors in the land created by God; we are His children and are always welcomed in His home. God’s legacy is His enduring love as...

Charles Stanley - Walking in the Way of a Father

Charles Stanley

So, Dad, here's what I'd ask you. If your children walk in your footsteps where are they going to end up? What kind of life are they going to live? Will you be proud of their life? Or will you be embarrassed or will you be shamed? More...

Max Lucado - When Your Heart Needs A Daddy

Max Lucado

When Your Heart Needs A Daddy - Max Lucado, Your Best 10 Minutes, Part 3...

Sid Roth - This Revelation of Father God Will Change Your Life

Sid Roth

In recent history, moves of miracles and salvation were keyed to the Holy Spirit and the name of Jesus. In these last of the last days, the coming revelation is about Father God. Hank Kunneman says it will fuel the greatest revival planet earth has...

TD Jakes - A Crash Course in Fatherhood

TD Jakes

Journey with us as we obtain real-world advice from our very own Bishop T.D. Jakes. Step into the circle of brotherhood with the message Man Talk – A Man and his Fatherhood and learn the Five Things to Look for In A Father to strengthen your...