Bill Johnson - Don't Tempt God By Forgetting His Power

Bill Johnson

Psalm 78 tells us that the Israelites tempted God by forgetting His power and the miracles He had performed amongst them. In this full sermon, Bill Johnson challenges us not to forgot the miracles of God. Keeping testimonies of God’s power in our...

Louie Giglio - Fear of God (2022)

Louie Giglio

Continuing in our IMPRINT series, Pastor Louie Giglio shares about how our worship isn’t just a song, but a lifestyle....

Benny Hinn - The Fear Of The Lord

Benny Hinn

Watch Benny Hinn as he teach on: The Fear Of The Lord...

Rick Renner - Ablaze with the Fear of the Lord

Rick Renner

Where the fear of the Lord is present, the power and the presence of God manifest mightily. Join Rick today as he discusses a healthy fear of the Lord....

Bill Johnson - Fearing God, Not Man

Bill Johnson

Bill Johnson continues speaking on courage. The fear of man is something the Lord wants to deliver us from. We were destined for courage! Scripture Reference : Matthew 5:45, Romans 2:4, 1 Samuel 15, Matthew 14:1-12...

Louie Giglio - Fear of God

Louie Giglio

Dear friends, I urge you, as foreigners and exiles, to abstain from sinful desires, which wage war against your soul. Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on...

Rick Renner - A Passion for the Fear of the Lord

Rick Renner

What is the fear of the Lord? Are you supposed to be afraid of God? What is a healthy fear of the Lord versus an unhealthy fear of the Lord? Let Rick Renner help you answer this question today....

Bill Johnson - Grace And Fear Of God

Bill Johnson

We cannot lose consciousness of the God who does the impossible, if we do, ministry will be reduced to man's spiritual gifts. You will always become like the one you worship. We must choose to focus our attention on God and not on false idols....

Bill Johnson - Fearing God Or Man?

Bill Johnson

When looking into the life of King Saul, it is revealed how the fear of man poisons perspective. If our identity is focused on externals than it is centered in insecurity. God wants us to become a rock that doesn't move, that is unaffected by...

Charles Stanley - The Fear Of God

Charles Stanley

If God is love, then why does He command us to fear Him? The fear of the Lord isn’t about being afraid of God; it’s about revering Him above all else. When we do that, we position ourselves to receive all the benefits that come with putting God...

David Jeremiah - Deity: The Fear Of God

David Jeremiah

In this message, Dr. Jeremiah talks about the ways and the reasons to fear God;. There are also promises for those who fear God, and we will learn how to fear God. Covers selected Scriptures....