Robert Jeffress - The King Is Coming

Robert Jeffress

Today we have come to the end of our study of Revelation that details the end of time as we now know it. Included in this further description of the New Heaven and New Earth is God’s final invitation to mankind....

Robert Jeffress - What Will Heaven Be Like?

Robert Jeffress

What will Heaven be like? Revelation 21 informs us that Heaven will be much different than what most Christians believe....

Robert Jeffress - Final Judgment

Robert Jeffress

Today we have come to the most terrifying passage in all of the Revelation—and perhaps the entire Bible—as we see the ultimate destiny of those who die apart from faith in Jesus Christ....

Robert Jeffress - The Coming Kingdom

Robert Jeffress

When Jesus Christ returns to earth, He will inaugurate a brand new kingdom that will be the fulfillment of over 1,800 prophecies in Scripture. We will look at our role in that Kingdom in today’s message....

Robert Jeffress - The Coming King

Robert Jeffress

Everything in our study of Revelation over these many months has simply been a prelude to the main event today which will be the most important event in human history: the return of Jesus Christ....

Robert Jeffress - The Day The Dow Jones Hits Zero

Robert Jeffress

Are your affections built around the eternal or the temporal? Here’s a good question to ask: How would you feel if everything you owned suddenly disappeared and all you possessed were the clothes on your back and you had no job or savings to...

Robert Jeffress - Religion Gone Wrong

Robert Jeffress

Our world’s economy, our health, our peace with other nations are much more fragile than we imagine and could unravel very quickly, preparing the way for a world leader who offers peace and prosperity in a time of international crisis. And that is...

Robert Jeffress - The Road To Armageddon

Robert Jeffress

Today our study in Revelation has brought us to the final judgments God will pour out on the earth before Christ’s return. These seven “bowl” judgments represent the full expression of God’s wrath against a world that refuses to repent....

Robert Jeffress - Is The Coronavirus A Judgment From God?

Robert Jeffress

What is the relationship between sin and sickness? Is every illness a result of specific disobedience, and who is qualified to make such a judgment? We will explore that question today as we examine the preparation for God’s final judgments against...

Robert Jeffress - God's Terrible, Swift Sword

Robert Jeffress

The first time Jesus came to earth, He brought salvation to all who would believe. The next time Jesus comes to earth, He will bring judgment to those who refuse to believe. In one of the most vivid and disturbing passages in all of the book of...

Robert Jeffress - The Diabolical Duo

Robert Jeffress

Numerous novels and movies through the years have been based on the subject of a future world leader commonly called the Antichrist. But as we will discover today, that leader, and the one who will assist him in his rise to power, are real persons...

Robert Jeffress - Slaying the Great Red Dragon

Robert Jeffress

The book of Revelation is the most symbolic book in all of the Bible, and Revelation 12 is the most symbolic chapter in the most symbolic book of the Bible. Sometimes symbolism is the most powerful way to describe reality, and today we are going to...