Andy Stanley - Unfollow

Andy Stanley

Jesus invites everyone to follow him. Being a sinner is a prerequisite. Having doubts is a prerequisite. That's because we're all sinners and we all have doubts. Following Jesus results in overwhelming faith, but at times it can also be...

Andy Stanley - Leading Great

Andy Stanley

We don't usually associate leadership with the church. Leadership is about what could and should be. We assume the church is about what has been. But Jesus was the greatest leader who ever lived. He modeled a unique approach to leadership that...

Andy Stanley - What I Want to Want

Andy Stanley

Most of us don't become Christians with the intent of following Jesus. We become Christians because we are told obedience pays and disobedience doesn't. We become Christians hoping that spirituality will fill the holes in our souls. We...

Andy Stanley - The Fine Print

Andy Stanley

During his time on earth, Jesus invited misbehavers and unbelievers to follow him. We are all invited to follow him. You are invited to follow him, but there's something you need to know about following Jesus. It will cost you something...

Andy Stanley - Follow Wear

Andy Stanley

Everyone is invited to follow Jesus. Being a sinner doesn't disqualify you. Being a doubter doesn't disqualify you. The goal of following Jesus is a faith that overcomes our fear of the future or our current circumstances. It's a...

Andy Stanley - Fearless

Andy Stanley

We want to follow Jesus, but where is he leading? What is the payoff for following him? Is it being a better person? Is it life in heaven after we die? Is it a pain-free life? If you follow Jesus, you will be a better person. If you follow him, you...

Andy Stanley - Next Steps

Andy Stanley

Religion says, Change and you can join us. Jesus says, Join us and you will change. There's a huge difference. Jesus doesn't expect you to be perfect. He just wants you to follow him. Being a sinner doesn't disqualify you from...

Andy Stanley - Jesus Says

Andy Stanley

Jesus says to pray. Jesus says not to look over there. Jesus says to be nice. Jesus says to get up early and read your Bible. Lots of people think Christianity is all about doing what Jesus says. But what if doing what Jesus says isn't what...