What does the Bible say about future events? Why is studying Bible prophecy important? Pastor Jack Hibbs discusses how knowing what God’s Word says will build a strong foundation for your faith now and is an important investment for your future....
People who invest time and effort building a solid spiritual foundation in the lives of others are called good ministers of Jesus Christ. Join us on Home Group as we continue our discussion on the importance of building a strong foundation!...
Whatever you teach, it's gotta be on this foundation of Jesus Christ. When you say Jesus Christ, means what? His finished work. Can I have a good amen?...
Good builders know that if the foundation of the house is compromised or unstable then that house is going to have major problems. The same is true for our lives. If we are building on the unstable foundation of our own desires and feelings, then...
In Luke 18:8 Jesus says, ""Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?"" If the Son of man came today, he would find big crowds but that does not necessarily mean he would find faith. Paul said in...
Has the devil found entrance into some area of your life? How did he find that entrance? What can you do to seal it so he never gets in again — and what can you do to get him out if he has already gotten in? That is the subject of today’s program...
Do you have a solid foundation of the Bible underneath your life? What about your kids, grandkids, relatives, or friends? What can you to help put then on an unshakeable foundation? That is the subject Rick Renner will help you with today....