Rick Renner - Focus on the Future

Rick Renner

In Second Corinthians 1, Paul had really come to the end of himself to the point of breaking down, but it wasn’t the end for him. He found a new supply of the Spirit. Experts of the day would have probably told you it was over for Paul. However,...

Jonathan Bernis - A Hope and A Future - Part 1

Jonathan Bernis

Sometimes life can leave us feeling insignificant or forgotten, standing on our feelings instead of God’s Word. Jonathan Bernis shares that God has given you reasons to hope. Join him as he teaches from his book A Hope and a Future and examines...

Jonathan Bernis - A Hope and A Future - Part 2

Jonathan Bernis

The upheaval in the world today is unsettling and can cause concern for the future. But God is for you. He loves you and has a purpose for your life. Join Jonathan Bernis as he continues teaching from his book, A Hope and a Future. Discover...

Rick Warren - God's Promises About Your Future

Rick Warren

You’re going to spend the rest of your life in the future — your past is behind you. But since you don’t know the future and have no control over it, looking ahead can be scary. In this message, Pastor Rick Warren will talk about six promises God...

Rick Warren - Why You Don't Need To Fear Your Future

Rick Warren

Watch this inspiring message from Saddleback Church and be encouraged as you learn what the Bible says about God's purpose for your life including your work, relationships, health, and more....

Sid Roth - Future Events Were Predicted in These Ancient Traditions

Sid Roth

In this Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! Classic episode from 2003: Michael Rood shares hidden predictions in the Biblical holidays that tell us what will happen in the future! Michael Rood is an author, historian, teacher, broadcaster, and...

Benny Hinn - A Powerful Word for Your Future Your Finances and Your Protection

Benny Hinn

While the world experiences danger and fear, God promises good news and prosperity for every believer! He has provided you with a way to ignite His power and change your circumstances! It’s through your words and actions. Says Pastor Benny, “I have...

Sid Roth - Hidden Bible Codes Reveal the Future with Roy Reinhold

Sid Roth

In this Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! Classic episode from 2000: Roy Reinhold believes your life history is hidden in code in the Bible!...

Sid Roth - God Showed Me the Last Days of Planet Earth with Ken Peters

Sid Roth

In this Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! Classic episode from 2000: Ken Peters began seeing visions as a child, and later he saw the last days of Planet Earth....

Sid Roth - God Showed Him What's Coming Soon to Planet Earth with Loren Sandford

Sid Roth

God has given Loren Sandford visions of soon coming events. Loren says we are in a season of favor, but God wants to do more! Your worship and hunger are the keys. Rather than watch society spiral downward and wonder, Loren Sandford says you have...

Sid Roth - Your Future and America's Future Hinges on 3 Things

Sid Roth

Your Future and America's Future Hinges on 3 Things... | Sid Roth LIVE...

Sid Roth - Prophecies About Trump, 2020 Election and America's Future

Sid Roth

What is God telling His prophets about Trump and America's future? I have invited three of the most accurate prophets I know—Hank Kunneman, Tracy Cooke and Jeremiah Johnson—to tell us what they see taking place in 2020, including amazing things...