Steven Furtick - Who's Keeping Score

Steven Furtick

We know how to play the game, but are we playing the right one?...

Steven Furtick - Reverse Your Worry

Steven Furtick

If you want to reverse your worry, you’ll need to start at your source....

Steven Furtick - God's Promises Start With a Prompting

Steven Furtick

The prompt God gives you today could lead to the provision you receive tomorrow....

Steven Furtick - Go 4 Broke

Steven Furtick

When it comes to our worship, we’re going for broke. If you're watching online, just say it to the wall, say: I'm going for broke. You know, I don't know what kind of attitude you have towards risk and responsibility. As for me I, try...

Steven Furtick - Are You Managing Your Miracle?

Steven Furtick

It’s God’s miracle, but it’s ours to manage. Are You Managing Your Miracle?...