Rick Renner - Questions About Finances and Giving

Rick Renner

Join Rick Renner as he meticulously explains the law of sowing and reaping and how it applies to everything you give. Don’t miss this valuable lesson!...

Jack Hibbs - The Power of Giving - Part 3

Jack Hibbs

Discovering the presence of God and His joy in every situation. The Book of Philippians is a “Reality Book” on how to live the Real Christian Life as designed by God....

Jack Hibbs - The Power of Giving - Part 2

Jack Hibbs

Discovering the presence of God and His joy in every situation. The Book of Philippians is a “Reality Book” on how to live the Real Christian Life as designed by God....

Jack Hibbs - The Power of Giving - Part 1

Jack Hibbs

Discovering the presence of God and His joy in every situation. The Book of Philippians is a “Reality Book” on how to live the Real Christian Life as designed by God....

Jack Hibbs - Giving What's Been Given - Part 4

Jack Hibbs

The grace of God is the goodness of God in all of its fullness - which demands that it be spent, given, bestowed, poured out upon another. God delights in giving and this “giving” of God is His “Grace or Gracing”....

Jack Hibbs - Giving What's Been Given - Part 3

Jack Hibbs

The grace of God is the goodness of God in all of its fullness - which demands that it be spent, given, bestowed, poured out upon another. God delights in giving and this “giving” of God is His “Grace or Gracing”....

Jack Hibbs - Giving What's Been Given - Part 2

Jack Hibbs

The grace of God is the goodness of God in all of its fullness - which demands that it be spent, given, bestowed, poured out upon another. God delights in giving and this “giving” of God is His “Grace or Gracing”....

Jack Hibbs - Giving What's Been Given - Part 1

Jack Hibbs

The grace of God is the goodness of God in all of its fullness - which demands that it be spent, given, bestowed, poured out upon another. God delights in giving and this “giving” of God is His “Grace or Gracing”....

Rick Warren - God's Promises About Giving

Rick Warren

God makes more promises in the Bible about giving generously than anything else. In this message, Pastor Rick Warren will talk about the nine rewards God promises us when we learn to be generous with money....

David Jeremiah - The Spirit of Giving

David Jeremiah

Giving and receiving gifts has been at the heart of Christmas since the Wise Men presented Jesus with gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Salvation itself is a gift. In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah explores the spirit of giving and suggests a gift...

Max Lucado - The Good That Comes from Giving

Max Lucado

Watch sermon The Good That Comes from Giving, preached by Max Lucado, Pastor of Oak Hills Church in San Antonio, Texas. #We Are the Body of Christ...

Rick Renner - A Passion for Giving - Part 2

Rick Renner

What happens if you don’t give to God? What happens if you do give to God? Does God really need your money, or is He after something else? This is one of the most important questions for your life, and that is why Rick Renner deals with this subject...