Charles Stanley - God's Loving Desire for You

Charles Stanley

Many people wonder how God could be personally interested in them if He has the entire universe to care for. Dr. Stanley explains that God is genuinely interested in whatever concerns us. He has a purpose for you that will fill your life with joy...

Kenneth Copeland - Yield to God's Love and Resist Fear

Kenneth Copeland

Perfected love casts out all fear! Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he encourages you to yield to God’s Love and resist fear. Decontaminate your faith from fear as you learn how to be filled with the fullness of God’s Love!...

Kenneth Copeland - The Love of God Brings Covenant Power

Kenneth Copeland

Believe the Love! Join Kenneth and Gloria Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as they explain how the Love of God brings covenant power. Discover everything Love has done for you and how your obedience will position you to receive THE BLESSING!...

Kenneth Copeland - The God Kind of Love Brings THE BLESSING

Kenneth Copeland

There’s only one Source, and His Name is Jesus! Watch Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, on Believer’s Voice of Victory, as they share how the God kind of love brings THE BLESSING. Become fully dependent on God, and recognize that love never strips you—it...

Kenneth Copeland - Staying Connected to God's Love Casts Out All Fear

Kenneth Copeland

What are you connected to? Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland reveals how staying connected to God’s Love casts out all fear. Discover that where there is Love, there is faith; and where there is faith, there is no fear!...

Kenneth Copeland - Live Fearlessly Through the Power of God's Love

Kenneth Copeland

No fear here! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland teaches you how to live fearlessly through the power of God’s Love. Live a life of love so you can resist the devil and make him flee!...

Kenneth Copeland - Disconnect from Fear Through Faith in God's Love

Kenneth Copeland

Have faith in Love! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland helps you disconnect from fear though having faith in God’s Love. Learn how to believe in the Love God has for you, and you’ll drive all fear out of your life!...

Kenneth Copeland - Believe God's Love for You and Live Fearlessly

Kenneth Copeland

The Bible says God is Love, and it's His Love that casts out all fear. Today, on Believer's Voice of Victory, Kenneth Copeland reminds you there is never a reason to fear, because God, who is Love, has promised to never leave or forsake...

Kenneth Copeland - A Fearless Lifestyle Shows God's Love to Others

Kenneth Copeland

It’s time to step it up! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland shares with you biblical steps for living a life free from fear. Learn that responding to others with God’s Love is key to living the fearless life Jesus made possible...

Rick Warren - Ditch Fear and Embrace Love

Rick Warren

This message is part 2 of "Transforming Your Relationships by Facing Your Fears" in the series Transformed. This message will teach you how to defuse the fears that paralyze relationships. Pastor Rick Warren looks at Genesis 3:6-19 and the...

TD Jakes - Discovering God's Unwavering Love

TD Jakes

After blowing through his inheritance in the worst ways possible, the Prodigal Son found himself penniless and starving. Desperate, he ended up working in disgusting pig pens with an appetite for slop! He eventually had an epiphany about his horrid...

TD Jakes - Discover Your Resilience Through God's Love

TD Jakes

The birth of Jesus Christ showed God's incredible desire to participate in every aspect of our human experience. You are cherished — not for what you do or what others think of you — but because you are a child of the King, and His love...