#520 - Joseph Prince - Be A Carrier Of God's Love - Part 1

Joseph Prince

Healing is a gift. I said healing is a gift. Amen? Say, "One sacrifice for sins forever". This is from the book of Hebrews. One more time. "One sacrifice for sins forever". Now say, "One sacrifice for sickness forever"....

#496 - Joseph Prince - Live Strong In The Father's Love - Highlights

Joseph Prince

God's heart is always love. God's heart is always goodness, but man had to face the law before they can appreciate God's grace. We needed the law before we can ever see God's righteous requirement and how much we can appreciate...

Jack Hibbs - Jesus Christ Is Love Beyond Measure

Jack Hibbs

Jesus Christ went beyond. He went beyond all costs, to offer you and me the opportunity to be given a second chance at life, real life. But He has gone even beyond that. He has come to offer you and me new life, a better life, a life with Him that...

#449 - Joseph Prince - Find Freedom In His Perfect Love (Live In Israel) - Highlights

Joseph Prince

When Jesus came out of the waters of baptism, the Father opened the heavens to him. I love the way the Scripture says it: Opened the heavens to him. And the Father said, "This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased". You see,...

#398 - Joseph Prince - Live With The Sense Of God's Love - Highlights

Joseph Prince

Did God make paradise and put Adam and Eve there, a place where they've gotta slough? All right? No, God put them in paradise. God made it perfect. God made it prosperous. It's a beautiful place. They had everything they wanted. "How...

Jack Hibbs - How Does God Love? - Part 3

Jack Hibbs

When Christ returns the moon will be as bright as the sun, and the sun will be seven times brighter. The Lord will also heal His people and cure the wounds that He gave them because of their unbelief. And, because He loves us, He will give us a new...

Jack Hibbs - How Does God Love? - Part 2

Jack Hibbs

God does not give up on His people. We may try to run from Him, but He is relentless in pursuing us. If we would just pray and talk to Him, He will lead us to His truth. We need to be wise by not trusting in the promises of man. Instead, we are to...

Jack Hibbs - How Does God Love? - Part 1

Jack Hibbs

Love by nature, is sacrificial - it doesn't take, it gives. God loves by willfully humbling Himself to the point of sacrificing His Son for us. According to the Bible, God IS love, that's why He can't tolerate sin and rebellion....

Kenneth Copeland - God's Love Enables Me To Walk In Love

Kenneth Copeland

Watch Kenneth Copeland and Professor Greg Stephens on Believer’s Voice of Victory as they share how God’s love enables you to walk in love. Learn how to focus and depend on His love, so you can boldly walk in it toward others!...

Kenneth Copeland - Know and Believe God's Love for You

Kenneth Copeland

Oh, how God loves us! Join Kenneth Copeland and Professor Greg Stephens on Believer’s Voice of Victory as they talk about the overwhelming revelation that comes when you know and believe God’s love for you. Come into agreement with His love today...

#322 - Joseph Prince - Impact The World With The Father's Lavish Love - Part 3

Joseph Prince

Jesus is showing that the Father loves you in a detailed way. He knows when your heart is hurt. So talk to your Father. God thought of you as dear enough, worth enough, of more value for his Son to shed his blood. That's how worth you are. You...

#322 - Joseph Prince - Impact The World With The Father's Lavish Love - Part 2

Joseph Prince

When you switch on my television show, you're not going to get song and dance, you're getting the gospel straight. You will hear Jesus being proclaimed straight. We're not hiding from the world and trying to slowly, slowly bring the...