Matt Chandler - Awake to the Gospel

Matt Chandler

Having begun their relationship with Christ by a work of the Spirit, the Galatian believers turned to their own works in hopes of perfection. Paul said they had been bewitched into something distorted and evil—a different gospel, which was no gospel...

Charles Stanley - Passing on the Good News

Charles Stanley

Scripture tells us we must share the gospel—the good news—our victory over sin, condemnation, fear, and the new life God provided for us. Learn from Dr. Stanley how to overcome your fears in sharing with others....

Jonathan Bernis - The Power of the Gospel

Jonathan Bernis

The Bible tells us that the Gospel is the power of God for salvation. Join Jonathan and Ezra as they explore the same Good News found in the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament. You'll learn the Greek and Hebrew words for Gospel, what the...

Rick Renner - The Power of the Gospel in Tragedy

Rick Renner

You’re a hero to the suffering — and in the eyes of God — when you undo yokes and ease burdens through physical and spiritual care....

Bill Johnson - The Gospel and the Cross

Bill Johnson

Bill Johnson and Bethel Associate Pastor and Dean of BSSM Dann Farrelly discuss what Bethel Church believes about The Gospel and the power of The Cross. Bethel has adjusted their church services over the years so that people could come to know Jesus...

#282 - Joseph Prince - Unleash The Power Of The Gospel - Part 3

Joseph Prince

The main clause of the new covenant, all your sins and lawless deeds, God says, "I will remember no more". Every scholar in the house that's watching this, check the word no more. It is the double negative in the Greek. I will in no...

#282 - Joseph Prince - Unleash The Power Of The Gospel - Part 2

Joseph Prince

The more conscious you are that you're forgiven, guess what. Good works is a byproduct. You're not confident that you're forgiven of all your sins, you know what's gonna happen? You try to produce dead works. Hey, there's a...

#282 - Joseph Prince - Unleash The Power Of The Gospel - Part 1

Joseph Prince

When God sent his Son, God thought up the name for his Son, he sent his Son, God decided to call him Salvation in Hebrew, Yeshua, alright? Our Greek in the New Testament is Soteria, so if Jesus was in Greece, they would call him Soteria, alright,...

Creflo Dollar - Understanding Faith and The Gospel - Part 3

Creflo Dollar

I will walk in what I don't deserve. I will have what I don't deserve. I'll get healed and not deserve it. I'll be delivered and not deserve it. I'll prosper and not deserve it. But I guarantee you, when I'm walking in...

Creflo Dollar - Understanding Faith and The Gospel - Part 2

Creflo Dollar

I don't know about you, but I don't want to be no Christian going around talking about the things that are available, and I can't get none of it. Talking about stuff that's available, and I can't walk in none of it. I...

Creflo Dollar - Understanding Faith and The Gospel - Part 1

Creflo Dollar

God's grace is defined as unmerited, abounding provision of the unrestrained operation of the infinite love of God that you only get through Jesus Christ for men, especially those who depend on him....

Rick Renner - The Gospel is for People

Rick Renner

On Home Group this week, we will be discussing our response to the events affecting this part of the world where God has called us to live and minister. Please join us for this important conversation....