Creflo Dollar - The Result of Rejecting Grace

Creflo Dollar

And so what we need to understand is when we're talking about, do you believe, that the real question is, do you believe receive, depend, trust, rely on, lean on? All of those go together to try to help you to see if you're just talking,...

Creflo Dollar - The Glory of Grace

Creflo Dollar

The glory from the only begotten was Jesus. Jesus is the glory of grace because he was full of grace and truth. And on the cross when he died, and the death of a testator, released this grace unto mankind and made it available to everybody; where...

Creflo Dollar - Sin Will Never Be Greater Than Grace - Part 2

Creflo Dollar

You're talking about Jesus and he will outlast your sin. You hear me? Jesus will outlast your sin. There ain't nothing you doing now, that's gonna outlast Jesus. Unfortunately, some Christians have a hard time with this because they...

Creflo Dollar - Sin Will Never Be Greater Than Grace - Part 1

Creflo Dollar

You think God's looking at you based on your behavior, now watch this. If God saw sin when he looked at you, then we got a problem with the whole message. 'Cause the message says that he bore our sins on his body. If he took our sins on...

Creflo Dollar - Man's Acceptance of Grace

Creflo Dollar

The world does not know him. They don't know the Jesus that is full of grace and truth. And when you don't know the Jesus, that's full of grace and truth, check it out, it cannot, you cannot, you will not know grace as long as you...

Creflo Dollar - Grace and Truth - Part 2

Creflo Dollar

And you know, that's what happened. Think about when we were under the law, we first got saved, we got under the law, everything looked like it was pretty good, it started fading away and we ask ourselves, are we still saved? But once you got...

Creflo Dollar - Grace and Truth - Part 1

Creflo Dollar

We have the God of creation who created stuff you can see and stuff you can't see. My God, who took a earth suit to deliver a package. The law came by Moses. Moses couldn't deliver grace. Who can you think of that could have delivered,...

Creflo Dollar - Eternal Life That Only Comes By Grace

Creflo Dollar

Jesus did not come to teach sinful, human, natural, unregenerated man how to live acceptable to God. He did not. There's no place for the schoolmaster under this covenant of grace....

Rick Warren - Finding God's Grace to Get Through Hard Times

Rick Warren

How might God use your pain to help others? Pastor Rick shares that God can turn our struggles into blessings for those around us. Just as Christ suffered for our salvation, we grow in faith when we trust God's love and purpose, even through...

Max Lucado - Following Jesus When You Need Grace

Max Lucado

Watch this message, entitled: Following Jesus When You Need Grace...

Max Lucado - Amazing Grace

Max Lucado

My friend, disease, calamity, and trouble populate your world. But they don’t control it! Grace does....

Jack Hibbs - Having a False Sense of Grace

Jack Hibbs

Perhaps you're under the impression that because God is good and loving, everything is fine, and you can keep living in sin. But without repentance of sin and an understanding of God's deliverance, you may be living under a false sense of...