Robert Jeffress - Good Grace Spiritual Surgery

Robert Jeffress

Today, we are going to conclude our series, GRACE GONE WILD! by looking at three principles for confronting and restoring Christians who are involved in sin....

Robert Jeffress - Good Grace Confrontation

Robert Jeffress

Today and next week, we are going to discover how a proper understanding of grace should impact our attitude toward sin and sinners in the church....

Robert Jeffress - Good Grace And Divorce

Robert Jeffress

Last time we began examining how a proper understanding of grace should impact our marriage and discovered that “bad grace” promotes two lies about marriage. Today, we will examine a third misunderstanding about divorce and remarriage....

Robert Jeffress - Good Grace Marriages

Robert Jeffress

How should a proper understanding of “bad grace” versus “good grace” affect our relationship with our mate? The answer to that question will be the focus of today’s message....

Robert Jeffress - Good Grace Churches, Part 2

Robert Jeffress

Last time we saw how a proper understanding of grace should impact our attitude toward membership and attendance within the local church. Today, we will examine the relationship between grace and our giving and service in the Body of Christ....

Robert Jeffress - Good Grace Churches, Part 1

Robert Jeffress

Today and next week we are going to discover how a proper understanding of grace should affect our attitude and actions toward the local church. Specifically, we are going to contrast “bad grace” and “good grace” in four specific areas related to...

Robert Jeffress - Good Grace Relationships

Robert Jeffress

Today we are going to discover how a proper understanding about grace affects our relationships to those who hurt us. When does grace demand that I forgive people who wrong me and common sense require that I avoid them?...

Robert Jeffress - Good Grace Decision-Making

Robert Jeffress

Today we will discover how a proper understanding of grace should affect how we make difficult decisions in life....

Robert Jeffress - Good Grace Spirituality

Robert Jeffress

Over the last several weeks, we have been examining the difference between “good grace” and “bad grace.” Grace is not the freedom to serve no master, but a new Master. Grace does not mean we are under no law, but under a new law. Over the next few...

Robert Jeffress - Laying Down The Law Without Giving Up Grace

Robert Jeffress

Have you ever heard the question, “If God has forgiven me of all my sins and my place in heaven is secure, what keeps me from sinning as much as I want to?” Such a question fails to take into account seven radical changes that occur in the life of...

Robert Jeffress - Under New Management

Robert Jeffress

God’s grace provides us with much more than a ticket into heaven. Today and next time, we are going to discover seven radical changes that grace provides every true believer....

Robert Jeffress - The Grace Escape

Robert Jeffress

Today, we are beginning a new series on God’s truly amazing gift of grace. In this series, we will examine the difference between “good grace” and “bad grace” in key areas of our life....