Kenneth Copeland - Jesus Provided Your Hearts Desire

Kenneth Copeland

A loving God has provided a way for us to receive every desire of our heart met. If you and I don't have our desires met, it's our fault, not His, because He put it in the Book and wrote it in red, amen? Isn't that right?...

Steven Furtick - What's Haunting Your Heart?

Steven Furtick

It's ok to feel negative emotions, but don't let them take up permanent residence in your heart....

Max Lucado - Unscrooge Your Heart

Max Lucado

Watch sermon Unscrooge Your Heart, preached by Max Lucado, Pastor of Oak Hills Church in San Antonio, Texas. #When Grace Happens...

Steven Furtick - What If Your Heart Isn't The Problem?

Steven Furtick

We all need help with our heart. How have you been treating yours?...

#187 Joseph Prince - The Health-Giving Power Of A Relaxed Heart

Joseph Prince

Want to know a secret to good health and long life? Drawing from the meanings of certain Hebrew words in the Bible, Joseph Prince shares about the health-giving power that comes from having a relaxed heart and feeding on God’s Word. Discover how you...

David Jeremiah - Do You Have a Hard Heart?

David Jeremiah

Developing a hard heart can be devastating to your relationship with God. Dr. Jeremiah outlines what we need to look out for to avoid this perilous condition in our lives. Covers Hebrews 3:7-19....