Jeff Schreve - Heaven, Prepared to be Amazed

Jeff Schreve

Heaven is a real place, and all believers will spend eternity there. What do we know about Heaven? Revelation 21-22 gives us a glimpse into what Heaven will be like. God has prepared an amazing place for us, far beyond our comprehension. Prepare to...

Sid Roth - This Atheist Saw Heaven

Sid Roth

In this Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! Classic episode from 2001: What happens to a Jewish atheist who is transported to Heaven, then finds out that God and the Bible are real?...

Sid Roth - Pastor Stovall Weems Was Taken to Heaven to See This

Sid Roth

In the midst of a Passover celebration by Paul Wilbur, Pastor Stovall had an open vision where he was transported to a heavenly Passover seder with Jesus and His disciples. What he experienced through this heavenly encounter brought resurrection...

Rick Warren - Heaven, God's Eternal Goodness To You

Rick Warren

Have you ever heard someone respond to something delightful like a bite of chocolatey dessert or a pampering treatment with the words, “This is just heavenly”? The truth is, that common comparison is far from the reality of what heaven will be like....

Robert Jeffress - What Will Heaven Be Like?

Robert Jeffress

What will Heaven be like? Revelation 21 informs us that Heaven will be much different than what most Christians believe....

Sid Roth - Heaven: Stories of People Who Died and Came Back

Sid Roth

Former-skeptic John Burke was an agnostic engineer who studied over 1,000 people that had near-death experiences. Some saw Heaven, and some saw Hell. Now he challenges anyone to disbelieve in Heaven and life after death, after examining his...

Benny Hinn - Keep Your Eyes on Heaven

Benny Hinn

Pastor Chris Lindberg of Life Fellowship Church in McKinney, Texas joins Pastor Benny Hinn again today to share on the importance of keeping our eyes on heaven even as we deal with the day-to-day issues of living here on Earth. Pastor Chris...

Benny Hinn - Heaven, Part 2

Benny Hinn

Heaven is a term that has been used to refer to many things—the physical heavens, the sky, or the seemingly endless expanse of the universe beyond. In this powerful teaching, Pastor Benny Hinn explores the subject of heaven throughout Scripture....

Benny Hinn - Heaven, Part 1

Benny Hinn

John 14:1-3 tells us, “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for...

Sid Roth - My Daughter Died. Then I Saw Her in Heaven with Curry Blake

Sid Roth

In this Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! Classic episode from 2000: Curry Blake's daughter died and miraculously came back to life!...

Charles Stanley - Your Convictions About Heaven

Charles Stanley

God didn’t put us on this earth to stay here forever. If this world isn’t our final destination, then what is? In this message, Dr. Stanley whets our appetite for the place we’ll call our forever home: heaven. Find out what God has in store for...

Bill Johnson - When Heaven Comes

Bill Johnson

God has called and equipped us with anointing to accomplish his purpose on the earth. His Kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. We need to become comfortable with the mystery of God, without needing to create a theology on what...