Creflo Dollar - The Reality of Heaven and Hell - Part 1

Creflo Dollar

You got people who are alive today think they so smart, think they know everything. Oh, would love to debate with you and have these theological debates and all of that other kind of stuff. None of that matters. 'Cause what I'm talking...

Robert Jeffress - Why God Sends Good People To Hell?

Robert Jeffress

Our study of Acts has led us to a milestone event in the history of the church – the salvation of the first Gentile. As we look at the miraculous story of a centurion named Cornelius, we will discover three truths about how God saves those who have...

Jonathan Bernis - 23 Minutes in Hell

Jonathan Bernis

Our guest, author Bill Wiese, shared his personal experience of being transported to hell for 23 minutes of torment....

Sid Roth - Ricky Roberts Went to Hell. This Is What He Saw

Sid Roth

In this Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! Classic episode from 2001: My guest saw Hell - yes it's a real place - and has come back to speak about it....

Sid Roth - I Found Myself in Hell. The Reason Why Will Surprise You

Sid Roth

Laurie Ditto says God allowed her to experience the sure realities of Hell because satan wants people to think… otherwise. Laurie Ditto’s visions of Heaven and Hell were meant as a wake-up call for us all! Laurie’s unplanned but vibrant glimpses of...

Sid Roth - Ron Reagan Died and Saw His Friends in Hell

Sid Roth

In this Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! Classic episode from 2000: Is Hell real? Ron Reagan says he went there. He reports what he saw....

Robert Jeffress - The Journey to Hell

Robert Jeffress

What happens to you five seconds after you die? Contrary to popular opinion, everyone does not go to the same place when life ends. Instead, as Jesus explains in today’s passage, there are two possible fates that await every one of us when we die....

Sid Roth - Jesus Took Me to Hell to Show Me This with Donna Rigney

Sid Roth

Jesus took Donna Rigney to hell to show her this. What she saw changed her life forever. For Donna Rigney, her intense encounters and revelations of Heaven and Hell were life changing. Jesus was with her every step of the way! Donna Rigney’s...

Sid Roth - Victor Redko Saw Heaven and Hell

Sid Roth

Victor Redko had an out of body experience and saw heaven and hell. Are curses from witches real? Is there a greater power to combat these curses? Victor Redko says yes!...

Sid Roth - I'm Beside an Angel in Hell, And He Says This (with Tracy Cooke)

Sid Roth

Tracy Cooke is standing at the pit of hell with an angel. Find out what the angel said in this interview with Sid Roth. You will also hear Tracy's amazing Heaven experience!...

Sid Roth - I Died and Found Myself Between Heaven and Hell with Jim Woodford

Sid Roth

Jim Woodford was brain dead for 11 hours. Propelled through a tunnel of light, Jim Woodford found himself standing on the edge of Heaven and utter darkness. Something began calling his name. Jim went to Heaven and was sent back with a message from...

Sid Roth - I Went to Hell and Saw My Friends There with Ron Reagan

Sid Roth

In this Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! Classic episode from 2000: Is Hell real? Ron Reagan says he went there. He reports what he saw....