Robert Jeffress - Preparing For War

Robert Jeffress

Today, we conclude our series in Ephesians by looking at the reality of, and the spiritual resources for, the spiritual war in which every Christian is engaged....

Robert Jeffress - Order In The House

Robert Jeffress

The key to harmony in our family is each member submitting to one another. Today, we will discover how that truth applies to husbands, parents, and children....

Robert Jeffress - The Most Unpopular Verse In The Bible

Robert Jeffress

Paul's instruction about the responsibilities of husbands and wives has been a battleground in many denominations, churches, and homes. What does it really mean for a wife to graciously submit to her husband?...

Robert Jeffress - Soaring With Eagles While Surrounded By Turkeys

Robert Jeffress

Last time, we looked at the first two ways we can be “imitators” of God: walking in love and walking in light. Today, we are going to discover the third way we mimic God: walking in wisdom....

Robert Jeffress - Like Father, Like Son?

Robert Jeffress

Even when children vow NEVER to be like their parents, they cannot help but mirror their parents' actions and attitudes. That's not always a bad thing to do. Today, we will discover one of our parents we should always seek to imitate....

Robert Jeffress - Five Fashion Tips From The Apostle Paul

Robert Jeffress

Last time, we saw that the apostle Paul commanded the Ephesian Christians to “lay aside” behavior that characterized those who are spiritually dead and to “put on” behavior that is more in keeping with our new life in Christ. Today, we will discover...

Robert Jeffress - How to Dress For Success

Robert Jeffress

How is your life any different than the most moral non-Christian you know - except the hour you spend in church once a week? In Ephesians 4, the apostle Paul explains the radical difference that should be evident in the life of every true follower...

Robert Jeffress - Body Building

Robert Jeffress

Unity does not require uniformity. In fact, one of the best ways to preserve unity in a church is for members to understand and appreciate spiritual gifts - both their own gift and the gifts of other believers....

Robert Jeffress - How to Act In Church?

Robert Jeffress

In our study of Ephesians 1-3, we have discovered the tremendous spiritual wealth that every Christian enjoys. Today's passage represents the “hinge” of Paul's letter that begins to answer the “so what” question. How should our spiritual...

Robert Jeffress - Paul's Power Prayer

Robert Jeffress

What are the most important things you could pray for in your life… or in the lives of those you love most? Today we are going to discover the answer to that question as we explore Paul's second prayer in his letter to the Ephesians....

Robert Jeffress - A Man With A Mission

Robert Jeffress

God has given each one of us a unique role to play in His unfolding drama of redemption. Using Paul's own story, we are going to discover how to find your God-given purpose in life....

Robert Jeffress - Tear Down This Wall

Robert Jeffress

In the summer of 1987, President Ronald Reagan stood in front of the Berlin Wall and demanded of his Soviet counterpart, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” Within two short years that massive wall that had separated east and west Germany since...