Rick Renner - God Provides

Rick Renner

Just as a shepherd provides for all the needs of the sheep in his flock, Jesus — our Good Shepherd — faithfully provides us with everything we need to live our lives and bring Him glory. Join us on Home Group as we begin this exciting discussion on...

Rick Renner - Real-Life Restoration

Rick Renner

As our Good Shepherd, the Lord also promises to restore our soul. His restoration is a full-scale rescue operation that results in total redemption and wholeness in Him. If you have a need to be restored in any area of your life, be sure to tune in...

Rick Renner - Laying a Solid Foundation

Rick Renner

People who invest time and effort building a solid spiritual foundation in the lives of others are called good ministers of Jesus Christ. Join us on Home Group as we continue our discussion on the importance of building a strong foundation!...

Rick Renner - God's Protection

Rick Renner

The second promise God gives us in Psalm 23 is His supernatural protection. As we humbly submit to Jesus and allow Him to be our Good Shepherd, He will put an end to fear, enabling us to lie down and experience rest in our souls. Join us on Home...

Rick Renner - Doctrines of Demons

Rick Renner

The Holy Spirit prophesied through Paul that seducing spirits and doctrines of demons would abound in the last days to the point of even infiltrating the church. To ensure that we are not led off track in this departure from the sound doctrine of...

Rick Renner - Divine Guidance

Rick Renner

The fifth divine promise from the Lord is supernatural guidance. The Spirit of God Himself lives inside of you and is ever ready to lead and direct you in the way you should go. If you will let Him, He will be your tour guide for a lifetime of...

Rick Renner - You're Breaking the Rules

Rick Renner

Not everyone was happy for the man who had been healed by Jesus at Bethesda, and not everyone will be happy for you when God does a work in your life. But don’t let that keep you from believing for and receiving the miracle He has waiting. Join us...

Rick Renner - Your God-Given Grace

Rick Renner

When you fully embrace your God-assigned place, His special grace will begin to flow to you and through you like a mighty river, dominating your life. Join us for Home Group as we continue our discussion on accepting you God-assigned place!...

Rick Renner - What The New Testament Tells Us About Demons

Rick Renner

The Bible says demons are real, but how do they behave? How can you recognize demonic activity? Should you fear demons? What should you do if you sense demonic activity in someone you know or love? Join us on Home Group as we discuss these and other...

Rick Renner - What the Bible Says About Healing

Rick Renner

Is it really God’s will to heal everyone? Why do some people remain sick after they receive prayer for healing? What can be done differently to expedite the healing process? These are serious questions that deserve serious answers. Tune in to Home...

Rick Renner - What is the Anointing?

Rick Renner

Join us on Home Group as we discuss the anointing of the Holy Spirit and what it does....

Rick Renner - Use Your Words Wisely

Rick Renner

Your words are powerful! They either build up your husband or tear him down. Just like attention and kindness minister love to you as a wife — respectful words minister love to your husband. Join us on Home Group tonight as we discuss this powerful...