Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 3

Joseph Prince

Before your difficulty, learn to say this under your breath: "The battle is the Lord's. It's not mine". And the devil say, "What are you going to do about it"? You say, "The battle is not mine. It's the...

Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 2

Joseph Prince

If you're suffering mental issues, you've been diagnosed with depression or whatever it is, you keep yourself in the room, take one step. Just get up, breathe, eat, and just start walking out. Just a walk in the park. Maybe just go out...

Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 1

Joseph Prince

You know, the Lord knows what you're going through. More than anybody else, he knows exactly what you're going through. Maybe you can't sleep well. This message is for you. "What is happening? Why nighttime is so severe for me?...

Joel Osteen - Day Forty-One is Coming

Joel Osteen

When you're in a desert season, remember that breakthrough is coming. You may not see it yet, but God is about to shift things in your favor....

Joel Osteen - From Limping to Leaping

Joel Osteen

God is still on the throne. He said weeping may endure for a night, but joy is coming in the morning....

Rick Warren - There's HOPE After Loss

Rick Warren

Ever wondered how to find hope after loss? Pastor Rick Warren explains that while life is imperfect, Jesus' beatitude from Matthew 5:4 teaches us that “God blesses those who mourn for they will be comforted.” Discover how God's plan for...

Rick Warren - In Our Brokenness, There Is Hope

Rick Warren

This message is Part 1 of “Making The Changes In Me” in the series The Invisible War. Nothing on Earth is perfect, including us. The fact is that we will never be sinless on earth, but it is possible to sin less. In this study Pastor Rick teaches...

Steven Furtick - Restoring Your Hope

Steven Furtick

God wants to heal your hope. If disappointment and worry have threatened your ability to remain hopeful, it's time to adjust your focus from what you're going through to what you're getting from it. This is an excerpt from...

Steven Furtick - When Fear Keeps You From Hope

Steven Furtick

Expand your expectations. In “When Fear Keeps You From Hope,” Pastor Steven Furtick teaches us that overcoming disappointment requires us to trust in God's ability to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine....

Steven Furtick - Feeling Like A Failure?

Steven Furtick

God help me fail in a way that moves me forward. In “Feeling Like A Failure?,” Pastor Steven Furtick helps us see that our failures are opportunities for God to work through us. This is an excerpt from "Help Me Fail."...

Steven Furtick - Better Is Ahead

Steven Furtick

There's something better ahead. Pastor Steven helps us recognize that God is in the business of doing a new thing in and through us — and it's already better because He's in it. This is an excerpt from "When Better Feels...

Jonathan Bernis - Finding Hope in the End Times

Jonathan Bernis

What if much of what you've been told about the End Times is off-target? What if you've looked for signs of the Messiah's return in all the wrong places? The Last Days is a complex Bible subject worth studying, but it's easy to...