Creflo Dollar - How To Avoid Identity Theft - Part 3

Creflo Dollar

So we don't do anything to make ourselves new and stay at something that's done to us. God didn't just change us. He exchanges us. In place of our old self, he makes us into a new self. In 2 Peter chapter 1:4, we become partakers of...

Creflo Dollar - How To Avoid Identity Theft - Part 2

Creflo Dollar

Now, think about this. If he's gonna get you, if he's gonna rob you of your identity, somehow, he's gonna use guilt to try to get you not to have confidence in who he said you are. So you gotta watch out for the guilt. When the guilt...

Creflo Dollar - How To Avoid Identity Theft - Part 1

Creflo Dollar

Holding on to your sins and holding on to your mistakes keeps you from your purpose. How many of you are still holding on to your mistakes, holding on to your sins, holding on with regret to the things that you have done? All that does is it keeps...

Jonathan Bernis - The Greatest Identity Theft of All Time

Jonathan Bernis

Would you believe it if someone told you that the greatest identity theft of all time involved Jesus, the Jewish Messiah? Ron Cantor, ministry leader of Messiah's Mandate in Tel Aviv states that this occurred when Jesus was cleansed of His...