Sid Roth - I Saw Israel's Shaking and the Red Heifer

Sid Roth

Sid Roth: I Saw Israel's Shaking & the Red Heifer [End-Time Vision]...

Tim Dilena - The Nation of Israel and The End Times

Tim Dilena

In ”The Nation of Israel & The End Times", Pastor Tim Dilena preaches on the importance of God's word regarding the church, the nation of Israel, and how they intersect at the End Times....

Robert Jeffress - What Role Will Israel Play In The End Times?

Robert Jeffress

Someone has said that if you want to know where we are on God’s timeline for the future, just look at what is happening in Israel. The nation of Israel is God’s prophetic alarm clock. Today we are going to discover why—when it comes to the end...

Sid Roth - Warning! Many Believers Are Now God's Enemy

Sid Roth

If you are wrong on Israel, I guarantee you, you’ll be wrong on your end time theology. Or worse, you could become an enemy of God....

Sid Roth - WARNING! America's Future Hinges On ONE THING

Sid Roth

Dr. Michael Brown, a leader at the historic Brownsville Revival, shares firsthand accounts of supernatural encounters, revival movements, and the urgent need for a fresh awakening! Discover why this revival is about to be released again, but this...

Sid Roth - A Shocking Mystery Foretold the Hamas Attack

Sid Roth

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn and James Goll, two of the best prophetic voices on the planet, explain the prophetic significance of the brutal Hamas attack...

Jonathan Bernis - Why Won't Israel's War End?

Jonathan Bernis

Jonathan and Ezra help you understand the full threat Israel faces by clarifying for you the different groups fighting Israel, how they differ and who funds them....

Jonathan Bernis - War in Israel Continued

Jonathan Bernis

Jonathan and Ezra discuss Israel's war with Hamas and some misconceptions circulating about it. They define some key players and reveal the real issue underneath the overall Middle East conflict....

Jonathan Bernis - Understanding the Potential Israel and Hamas Ceasefire Agreement

Jonathan Bernis

In this Israel update, Ezra Benjamin helps people understand the benefits and deep concerns surrounding a ceasefire agreement between Israel and both the Hamas and Hezbollah terror regimes. He dives into the charter documents of Hamas and Hezbollah...

Jonathan Bernis - The TRUE War in Israel

Jonathan Bernis

Jonathan and Ezra reveal some false narratives you may have encountered about the Israel-Hamas war that was ignited on October 7, 2023, and help clarify some of the war's complexities....

Jonathan Bernis - The Rise of Anti-semitism, Unveiling The Ugly Truth

Jonathan Bernis

See how a historical misinterpretation allowed anti-Semitism into the Church. Discover a fundamental biblical truth you need to be aware of and how it affects your life, faith, and history....