The sacrifices, offerings, ceremonies, and feast days were all ordained by God, but they could not “take away sins”. They simply pointed to the One who would....
Does it seem like the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New are different? Join Jonathan Bernis and Ezra Benjamin as they discuss the relevance of the Old Testament today. Discover what it really means to fulfill the Law as they take a...
We don't live in the realm of our thoughts and emotions. We live in the realm of God's reality called faith. Faith is not saying you believe, then it becomes real. No, faith is manifesting what is already real the way God sees us....
When you wake up in the morning, you'll stop saying, "Have I believed God, I mean, have I obeyed God enough to merit this wealth or health"? You'll get up and say, "Thank you, Father God. Another life of living for you in...
The law had its place in the Old Testament, but no longer. Now the light of the full glory of the gospel of grace is here. Grace can do much better than the law ever can. The law demands and demands and demands. Grace supplies and supplies and...
It's not your obedience to the old covenant law that earns you God's blessings, but what you believe! In this faith-inspiring message by Joseph Prince, learn why the Abrahamic blessings of health and provision come upon those who live by...
Have you ever heard the question, “If God has forgiven me of all my sins and my place in heaven is secure, what keeps me from sinning as much as I want to?” Such a question fails to take into account seven radical changes that occur in the life of...
There are two ways you can live life: to be always conscious of the demand put on you to perform and achieve, or to be conscious of God’s abundant supply toward you, meeting your every need. In this power-packed message recorded for a special TV...
In “Amazing Law,” Pastor Robert Morris shares that although we are released from the law, we can relate to it as a master, mirror, map, and measure for our lives....
Before you ever heard of the Ten Commandments, you knew what was right and wrong, why? Because it was on the inside of you. It was on the inside of you. When you mistreated somebody, it was on the inside of you. When you stole something, it was on...
But religion wants to take you back to the methods of trying to keep the law so you can pat yourself on the back... and say, "I achieved the morality of the Decalogue and the Ten Commandments through what I was able to accomplish," and not...
Now, I wonder what would happen today in this period of grace if we can get back totally focused on God, where we just look at God, but our attention is so divided up, and it's so crazy in the world. You know the difference between good and...