Creflo Dollar - How To Walk Free From Mammon

Creflo Dollar

There's an anointing that's available in these last days and it's the anointing factor that the devil has forgotten all about. He's trying to figure out how are we gonna do what we doing in the last days. Child of God I prophesy...

Creflo Dollar - The Spirit of Mammon - Part 2

Creflo Dollar

If the attack of influence is going to attack you here, then you're going to have to understand how to stand against it, and that's what it is. Spiritual warfare is maintaining the victory that Jesus died to obtain. That's spiritual...

Creflo Dollar - The Spirit of Mammon - Part 1

Creflo Dollar

Who is driving you where money is concerned? Is God.. I like to use the word... not drive. But is God governing you where money is concerned, or is a spirit of mammon governing you where money is concerned? Money by itself is neither good or bad. So...

Robert Morris - Breaking the Spirit of Mammon

Robert Morris

Pastor Robert continues The Blessed Life series with the message, “Breaking the Spirit of Mammon,” where he answers common questions about the spirit behind the love of money, whether money is evil, and what to do with money....