Touré Roberts - The Mentality of Victory

Touré Roberts

Message : The Mentality of Victory Preacher: Touré Roberts Church: ONE Church I want to wrestle as we move forward in this theme of consistency with the idea of the mentality of victory. If you’re taking notes, write this thought down to kick this...

Touré Roberts - The Mentality of Abundance

Touré Roberts

Message : The Mentality of Abundance Preacher: Touré Roberts Church: ONE Church Alright, alright, don’t play with me. Alright, Isaiah 55, let’s go! So it’s going to be a little abbreviated, but you’ve got the 9 o’clock service in your back pocket....

Touré Roberts - A Next Mentality

Touré Roberts

Message: A Next Mentality Preacher: Touré Roberts Church: ONE Church I want to look at two passages of Scripture; those passages will form the basis for our discussion today. Both are familiar passages, and I quote one of them nearly every week. If...

Creflo Dollar - How To Have A Godly Mentality - Part 2

Creflo Dollar

He doesn't want you to understand this gospel, and especially this gospel. Well, you know, you and I know this gospel of grace. He doesn't want you to understand that. Are you kidding me? To understand that Jesus died for your sins, to...

Creflo Dollar - How To Have A Godly Mentality - Part 1

Creflo Dollar

The greatest sin that existed in the Garden of Eden, the greatest sin that exists in our lives today: spiritual blindness. Cannot see. And so that's what he's trying to do. He's just trying to get you... now, how's he do that? He...

Rick Renner - Mental Modification

Rick Renner

How is it that people drift away from the truth? Today Rick Renner gives a detailed explanation that answers questions you may have on this subject....

Joel Osteen - You Are Not A Victim

Joel Osteen

The Israelites had been in slavery for 10 generations. All they knew was hardship, being mistreated, working long hours with no pay. It wasn't fair, but God was keeping the records. After 430 years God delivered them from the Pharaoh, and...

Creflo Dollar - Breaking Mentalities of Failure - Part 2

Creflo Dollar

Your life as a Christian should be like this: "How can I give somebody else the advantage to be successful in what they've been called to do? How can I give somebody the advantage in life? How can I give somebody the advantage in ministry?...

Creflo Dollar - Breaking Mentalities of Failure - Part 1

Creflo Dollar

You know, although our world is inundated with self-help protocols, he makes it very clear that there are just some things you're not gonna be able to accomplish on your own. And this fear of preservation, you're gonna have to get rid of...

Joel Osteen - Have An Abundant Mentality

Joel Osteen

It's time to make room for increase in your life! In this encouraging message, Joel will remind you of how much God wants to abundantly bless His children. Preaching from many powerful verses like Deuteronomy 28 that says, "God will lavish...