Perry Stone - The Moses Factor That Relates To Your Destiny

Perry Stone

Watch Manna Fest with Perry Stone. Today's episode is entitled: The Moses Factor That Relates To Your Destiny...

Rick Renner - The Encounter on Mount Horeb

Rick Renner

On the program today, Rick Renner covers Moses’ life-transforming encounter with God on Mount Horeb....

Rick Renner - The Call of God 'Wakes Up' in Moses

Rick Renner

Rick Renner teaches how God’s call began to wake up inside Moses — and how to recognize that call when it awakens in YOU! Don’t miss this program!...

Rick Renner - The Burning Bush

Rick Renner

When Moses guided the flocks to feed at Mount Horeb, he encountered God in the midst of a burning bush. God was well aware of Israel’s afflictions at the hand of the Egyptians and had chosen Moses to help deliver the people from slavery. As the...

Rick Renner - The Birth of Moses

Rick Renner

In this program, Rick Renner covers the miraculous birth of Moses and how God supernaturally placed him right inside Pharaoh’s house!...

Rick Renner - Moses Talks to Pharaoh

Rick Renner

Moses’ first confrontation with Pharaoh made things worse for the children of Israel, not better. Pharaoh forced the Hebrews to go and get their own straw for making bricks, and as a result, the Israelites had great contempt for Moses and Aaron. Yet...

Rick Renner - Moses' Rod Becomes a Serpent

Rick Renner

Just as Egypt had beaten the children of Israel for years on end, God promised to stretch out His hand and punish Egypt for everything they had done to His people. God used the rod in Moses’ hand to work His wonders and gave Moses supernatural signs...

Rick Renner - Moses Found Safety in an 'Ark'

Rick Renner

The Bible says Moses was unique and exceedingly fair as a child, and his parents took remarkable care of him. After God divinely orchestrated Moses’ rescue from the Nile by Pharaoh’s daughter, He made a way for the infant to be nursed and nurtured...

Rick Renner - God-ordained Purpose

Rick Renner

After Moses had been educated and fully trained up in the ways of the Egyptians, the call of God on his life began to wake up inside of him. New feelings and new thinking came alive in his mind, and he began the process of discovering his...

Rick Renner - God Sends Moses to Pharaoh

Rick Renner

Today Rick Renner shows why Moses didn’t want to return to Egypt and how God often chooses those who are the most unlikely to be chosen....

Rick Renner - Moses, A Man With an Assignment

Rick Renner

God has an assignment for your life. Join Rick Renner to find out how to find and fulfill it....

Rick Renner - Moses' Obedience

Rick Renner

By faith, Moses renounced that he was the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, exchanging the benefits of royalty for suffering with God’s people. He considered the reproach of Christ greater riches than all of Egypt’s treasures and focused his eyes on the...