Kenneth Copeland - God and His Names Are One

Kenneth Copeland

In the Bible, God has many Names to describe who He is, and He never changes! Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory, as he shares how God and His Names are One. Discover how you have inherited the Name above every name and what that...

Jonathan Bernis - Adonai Nissi - Part 1

Jonathan Bernis

What does the Bible mean when it declares God to be our “banner”? Jonathan Bernis and Ezra Benjamin discuss the latest book in the Confessing the Hebrew Scriptures series: Adonai Nissi – The Lord My Banner. Discover the power of God’s Word and how...

Jonathan Bernis - Adonai Nissi - Part 3

Jonathan Bernis

Jonathan and Ezra continue looking at one of their favorite topics – the Hebrew names of God. These names reveal God’s character and His faithfulness to you today. Understanding their significance can dramatically change your life. When Moses built...

Jonathan Bernis - Adonai Nissi - Part 2

Jonathan Bernis

God reveals His faithfulness in the Scriptures. The God of Moses is the same God who shows you today that He is faithful. Join Ezra Benjamin and Jonathan Bernis as they examine a specific characteristic of God: “Adonai Nissi,” the Lord My Banner....

Kenneth Copeland - The Names Of God Reveal His Covenant

Kenneth Copeland

The different Names of God reveal His covenant promises to you! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland teaches you how the Names of God represent the different promises to you through His covenant. He is all things to all His people!...

#102 Joseph Prince - The Hand Of God (Elohim) Versus The Heart Of The Lord (Yahweh)

Joseph Prince

What's in a name? When God is mentioned in the Old Testament, His various names carry great significance and reveal different aspects of His divine character. Listen as Joseph Prince takes you on an exciting journey of exploring and discovering...