Joel Osteen - Living Unoffended

Joel Osteen

I want to talk to you today about Living Unoffended. We all have opportunities to get upset and be offended: co-worker is rude, someone cut you off in traffic, a friend leaves you out. It's easy to get sour, try to pay people back, hold a...

Bill Johnson - The Danger of Being Easily Offended

Bill Johnson

More than ever, we can find reason for offense every day. In this sermon clip, Bill Johnson explains the enemy’s strategy in tempting us with offense, and what it does to our hearts. While there is often a legitimate reason for offense, allowing...

Craig Groeschel - Overcoming Offenses

Craig Groeschel

Your life is too short and your calling is too great to live offended. Learn how to forgive with Pastor Craig Groeschel....

Craig Groeschel - My Right to be Offended

Craig Groeschel

Do you need to know how to forgive someone? In Week 3 of Altar Ego with Pastor Craig Groeschel, learn to lay down your right to be offended by forgiving those who offend you in the same way Christ forgave you....

Billy Graham - Are You Offended By The Cross?

Billy Graham

Are you searching for an answer to your problems? Find out how you can turn your life around in this 1983 Billy Graham message from Oklahoma City....

Steven Furtick - The Prison of Offense

Steven Furtick

Offense is an event, but offended is a decision. Is there a way to live less offended? And can the prison of offense actually be escaped?...

Steven Furtick - Is The Devil Messing Up My Relationships?

Steven Furtick

How do you stop division from coming into your relationships? Whether it’s with a significant other, family member, or friend, this insightful message from Pastor Steven Furtick reveals how to look within to start mending the divides around you....

Joyce Meyer - Dealing with Offense - Part 3

Joyce Meyer

When trials and tests come into our life and we see how we respond, that's when we really know what we believe. Do I really believe that God loves me unconditionally?...

Joyce Meyer - Dealing with Offense - Part 2

Joyce Meyer

Facing the truth about yourself is one of the most painful things that you can go through, because we just love livin' in this fantasy world where there's something wrong with everybody else, but boy, there's nothing wrong with me....

Joyce Meyer - Dealing with Offense - Part 1

Joyce Meyer

How many people watching right now, if you're really honest with yourself, you are angry at somebody about something. And as long as you use the excuse that it's too hard, you'll never be able to forgive....

Billy Graham - The Offense of the Cross

Billy Graham

The Cross is offensive. Billy Graham explained why in this 1991 message from Glasgow, Scotland....