#397 - Joseph Prince - Live The Overcoming Life - Part 4

Joseph Prince

We're not free from the law to do nothing or to rebel. No, we are free from the law through Christ's death so that we can obey the Holy Spirit. You're either governed by the law or you are led by the Spirit. You cannot have both, amen....

#397 - Joseph Prince - Live The Overcoming Life - Part 3

Joseph Prince

The Bible says the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. Under law, sin is contagious. Under grace, life, health is contagious....

#397 - Joseph Prince - Live The Overcoming Life - Part 2

Joseph Prince

You don't come to church to be right with God. But when you are right with God, you want to come to church. You don't listen to a sermon because you have to listen to the sermon. No, eh? You listen to a sermon because you enjoy feeding on...

#397 - Joseph Prince - Live The Overcoming Life - Part 1

Joseph Prince

So people want you to preach on repentance all the time, but the thing is this: if you preach the goodness of God, the goodness of God will lead people to repentance. Can I have a good amen?...

#397 - Joseph Prince - Live The Overcoming Life - Highlights

Joseph Prince

The amazing thing about grace is that Jesus comes so close to us, and everyone that touch him, when they're sick or they are oppressed, unclean, whatever, all receive grace....

Rick Renner - You Are a Perpetual Overcomer

Rick Renner

Being consistent is essential for you to run your race all the way to the end until you reach the finish line. How do you develop this kind of consistency in your life? That is what Rick Renner teaches in today’s program....

Rick Renner - A Promise to Those Who Overcome

Rick Renner

Jesus makes special promises to anyone who has decided to be an overcomer in life. There are lots of things to overcome, but how do you start the process of moving from defeat into victory and into living an overcoming life? What promises belong to...

Rick Renner - A Message to Overcomers

Rick Renner

Everyone has challenges in life, but to those who overcome, Christ makes special promises. What promises are made to those who overcome? That is what Rick Renner discusses in today’s program!...

Rick Renner - Called to Overcome

Rick Renner

Polycarp is probably the most famous case of persecution in the First Century. Today Rick Renner tells the story of this amazing early believer and how he overcame evil in his time....

Rick Renner - A Message to Overcoming Believers

Rick Renner

To those who refuse to give up and quit, Christ makes amazing promises. Join Rick Renner today as he discusses the promises Jesus makes to any believer who refuses to relinquish his or her victory!...

David Jeremiah - How Can I Overcome Temptation?

David Jeremiah

Some believers think Christians are somehow exempt from temptation. If you’re one of them, listen as Dr. David Jeremiah sets the record straight. You can’t always avoid temptation, but you can escape it – that’s a promise from God’s Word....

David Jeremiah - Job: Overcoming the Overwhelming

David Jeremiah

The troubles of the world have a way of seeping into our life. When that happens and we feel overwhelmed, we can turn to the Bible for stories that help us overcome. In this message, preached live from Norfolk, VA, Dr. David Jeremiah considers the...