You have what it takes to get through whatever it is you're facing! Today, Joyce teaches on patient endurance and offers encouragement, through God's Word, on how to outlast the devil....
Are you having a hard time getting stirred up and excited about your life? On this episode of Enjoying Everyday Life, Joyce Meyer shares what to do when you're feeling frustrated and unfulfilled....
By applying the principles in this faith-filled teaching, you will strengthen your resolve for God’s promises. You will develop the power to conquer the temptation to quite....
You can outlast any challenge and become the winner God calls you to be. Your victory is on the way! If you stand strong and stay the course, you will see God’s favor and blessing....
WARNING: Those who dislike “fire and brimstone” sermons will hate today’s message. God’s destruction of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah is a reminder that although God’s patience with sinners is real, it is also limited....
Today Rick Renner encourages you to get beyond the obstacle of neutrality and to partner with faith and patience to produce powerful results in your life....
What’s your favorite fruit? No, we’re not talking about melons or apples or grapes or bananas or… well, you get where this is going. What we ARE talking about is the fruit of the Spirit—otherwise known as love + joy + peace + patience + kindness +...