Touré Roberts - The Habit of Prayer

Touré Roberts

Message : The Habit of Prayer Preacher: Touré Roberts Church: ONE Church I can’t think of a better daily habit than prayer, and I believe it is important, especially early in the year, to develop the habit of prayer so that you can flow in the...

Touré Roberts - Prayer, the Winning Edge

Touré Roberts

Message: Prayer, the Winning Edge Preacher: Touré Roberts Church: ONE Church There’s this room you’ve already done it. Jesus, I wish you would thank you for what you prayed for this morning. We serve a God who—duh—uh-huh, yeah. Yeah, that’s the type...

Touré Roberts - Prayer, The Forgotten Advantage - Part 4

Touré Roberts

Message: Prayer, The Forgotten Advantage — Part 4 Preacher: Touré Roberts Church: ONE Church We’ve been talking about prayer, and I’ve been trying to finish this series on prayer. I think I was able to do it at the nine o’clock service, and I...

Touré Roberts - Prayer, The Forgotten Advantage - Part 3

Touré Roberts

Message: Prayer, The Forgotten Advantage — Part 3 Preacher: Touré Roberts Church: ONE Church Alright, so about a month ago, I started a series called «Prayer: The Forgotten Advantage.» If you remember that, just show me some love; let me know I’m in...

Touré Roberts - Prayer, The Forgotten Advantage - Part 2

Touré Roberts

Message: Prayer, The Forgotten Advantage — Part 2 Preacher: Touré Roberts Church: ONE Church I believe with all my heart that this is what God is trying to give you today, and I believe that prayer is the Forgotten Advantage. I believe it’s a tool...

Touré Roberts - Prayer, The Forgotten Advantage - Part 1

Touré Roberts

Message: Prayer, The Forgotten Advantage - Part 1 Preacher: Touré Roberts Church: ONE Church...

Touré Roberts - Alignment: the Prayer

Touré Roberts

Message: Alignment, the Prayer Preacher: Touré Roberts Church: ONE Church...

#706 - Joseph Prince - Pray For Good Success Today - Part 4

Joseph Prince

If you study the Bible, God wants you to prosper in every dimension of your life. Problems will come, but there's something inside us that will rise up. That's the treasure in the earthen vessel. The falling down, the discouragement, the...

#706 - Joseph Prince - Pray For Good Success Today - Part 3

Joseph Prince

You gotta know that you're forgiven of all your sins, amen, and thank God for that. True confession is homologia, to say the same thing with God about our sins. What did God say about our sins in the New Covenant? They are all forgiven by...

#706 - Joseph Prince - Pray For Good Success Today - Part 2

Joseph Prince

All these things that the Bible teaches us makes for a successful, beautiful, wonderful life. It makes things beautiful in its time....

#706 - Joseph Prince - Pray For Good Success Today - Part 1

Joseph Prince

What man is this? That's exactly what the disciple says when he was sleeping at the end of the boat and there was a storm and he was still sleeping. What calm, what majesty, what beauty, what peace, that you and I can have, looking at this man,...

David Jeremiah - A Prayer for Inner Strength

David Jeremiah

I don't know how many times people have said that to me: "Pastor, I just can't do this anymore". Maybe they're in a marriage that's coming unglued, or they've got children that have gone south, or they have a...