Pastor Jack dared to pray a Biblically-based prayer in Congress which enraged many atheists and liberals across the nation, calling for the Speaker of the House to change the vetting process for guest chaplains. What did our founding fathers think...
If you’ve ever wondered what happens to your prayers when they leave your heart and your lips, today’s message is for you. Our heavenly Father stands with rapt attention to hear the prayers of His children. Be encouraged to pray sincerely,...
Prayer is critical to leading a victorious Christian life and it's critical for us to see God do great and mighty things in and through us. We need to learn how to pray and how to pray with power. What does the Lord want to teach us so that we...
In "A Prayer That Promises Joy," Pastor Carter Conlon challenges us to shift our approach to prayer, urging us to begin by seeking God's guidance on what we truly need. In doing so, we acknowledge that He alone equips us with the...
Pastor Bill Johnson explores the two most crippling issues in the lives of believers: the inability to deal with disappointment and harboring resentment and unforgiveness. When unchecked, these heart issues lead to destructive behaviors. The path to...
How can you pray in a way that stands in the gap? Token prayers get token answers. In this sermon clip, Bill Johnson teaches on the importance of intercessory prayer and how to truly pray in a way that stands in the gap and brings transformation and...
Are you ready to receive your heavenly grant? Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland explains how important it is to pray in agreement with The WORD. Discover the many benefits and BLESSINGS of constantly having faith in God,...
Salvation is here! Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he urges you to pray for your loved ones to be saved. Be inspired to pray for God to send laborers across their paths, as you listen to miraculous testimonies of salvation!...
What is a prayer of petition? Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he dives into God’s WORD to reveal the answer. God is listening—find out how to petition Him according to His will, and WORD, for the things you desire!...