Robert Jeffress - Sin Unto Death

Robert Jeffress

Interspersed throughout the letter to the Hebrews are five warning passages. Today we are going to examine the fourth, and perhaps the most severe, of those warnings and its application for every Christian today....

Robert Jeffress - Come Into This House

Robert Jeffress

One reason the book of Hebrews is difficult for many Christians to understand is because it appears to be heavy on theology with little practical application. But after ten chapters of describing how Jesus Christ is a superior priest compared to the...

Robert Jeffress - Why the Old Way is the Wrong Way to God?

Robert Jeffress

Christianity offers a new standard of living that is different from any other religion in the world, including Judaism, as the writer of Hebrews said. The Old Testament system could reveal sin, but it could never remove our sin, and it certainly...

Robert Jeffress - Where There's a Will, There's a Body

Robert Jeffress

Have you ever wondered why so many of our hymns focus on “the blood of Christ” rather than on the teachings of Christ? If Christianity offers us new life, why is there so much talk about Christ’s death? The writer of Hebrews answers those questions...

Robert Jeffress - A Memo to Jerry Jones

Robert Jeffress

If Chapters 5-10 represent the “heart” of the book of Hebrews, Chapters 9-10 represent the “heart of the heart” of Hebrews. As we enter the Christmas season, it is appropriate that we are reminded of Christ’s primary work He came to accomplish while...

Robert Jeffress - The Real Thing

Robert Jeffress

In today’s politically correct culture anyone who would dare claim “My religion is better than yours” would be immediately condemned for being arrogant. Yet, the writer of Hebrews does not shy away from claiming that Christianity is superior to...

Robert Jeffress - And Now, For the Main Course

Robert Jeffress

The Bible reminds us that our access to God requires an authorized priest who offers an acceptable sacrifice. Today the writer of Hebrews explains how Jesus Christ is the only Person who meets both of those requirements....

Robert Jeffress - God's Anchor in Life's Storms

Robert Jeffress

Someone has said, “Man is able to go 40 days without food, 8 days without water, and 4 minutes without air. But man can only last a few seconds without hope.” Today we will discover that hope is not only a necessary ingredient for life but also for...

Robert Jeffress - Falling Away From the Faith

Robert Jeffress

Is it possible for a Christian to lose his or her salvation? If not, then why does the writer of Hebrews issue the strong warning in today’s passage about those who have “fallen away” from God? Today we are going to discover what it means to “fall...

Robert Jeffress - From Here to Maturity

Robert Jeffress

Just as a chain is no stronger than its weakest link, a church is no stronger than its weakest member. Yet, most churches suffer from a number of “weak links” due to the epidemic problem of spiritual immaturity in the church. Today, the writer of...

Robert Jeffress - Who Needs A Priest

Robert Jeffress

People from Protestant denominations often say, “I’m so glad I don’t have to go through a priest to get to God. I can come to Him anytime I want without a go-between.” But the truth is that we DO need a qualified priest to bridge the wide gulf...

Robert Jeffress - Hope For Those Who've Blown It

Robert Jeffress

Almost every day we read or hear the sordid tales of priests (and pastors) who have fallen into gross immorality. There are no perfect priests, not in this world, anyway. But there is a perfect Priest in heaven who offers us the three things we need...