Robert Morris - Passing the Pride Test

Robert Morris

Pastor Robert Morris revisits his series Dream to Destiny with fresh insight, teaching us that God has dreams for each of us and reminding us to walk in humility as we embrace our God-given destinies....

#490 - Joseph Prince - Win Over Fear And Pride - Part 3

Joseph Prince

There are two occasions of fires falling in Elijah's history. The first time the fire fell, and both fell on a mountain. At Carmel, remember Carmel? There, the fire fell on the victim instead of the guilty people. The fire from a holy God fell...

#490 - Joseph Prince - Win Over Fear And Pride - Part 2

Joseph Prince

Job was righteous, Pastor Prince. Righteous by the sacrifice that he offered, like all of us. Listen carefully, if you talk about "why did God bring trouble into a life of a man who's righteous"? Number one, there's no man...

#490 - Joseph Prince - Win Over Fear And Pride - Part 1

Joseph Prince

You need to know that God loves you, but God is holy. God can not allow sin to come into his presence. Just like you have someone you love with cancer, the cancer is in the person. If I ask you the question, do you hate the cancer? You say yes. How...

#490 - Joseph Prince - Win Over Fear And Pride - Highlights

Joseph Prince

Whatever you have is from God. It's a privilege to serve him, and he will not forget even a cup of cold water given in his name. He will not forget the littlest thing that you do for him. We think we are preaching hard when we condemn people...

Joyce Meyer - Confidence vs. Pride

Joyce Meyer

As the girls wrap up their study on confidence, Ginger finally shares when she faced a really hard time and her confidence was shattered, but how she was able to find her worth in Christ. The girls also give Joyce a call for some real-life...

Joyce Meyer - Pride And Humility - Part 2

Joyce Meyer

What is humility? Learn what it is and what it isn't as Joyce Meyer shares practical insights from Scripture and everyday life....

Joyce Meyer - Pride And Humility - Part 1

Joyce Meyer

What does genuine humility look like? Today, Joyce Meyer shares scriptures to help you recognize true humility and practice it in your daily life....

Robert Jeffress - Choosing Humility Over Pride

Robert Jeffress

Many Christians believe that humility is a character quality that is “nice” if you can pull it off, but not absolutely necessary. But, as we will see today, God places a premium on humility and has promised to judge the sin of pride with a vengeance....

Robert Morris - The Reversal of Pride

Robert Morris

A prideful person can become a humble person. We can humble ourselves or God will humble us. Whatever you’re going through right now, God will use it for your good....

Robert Morris - The Deception of Pride

Robert Morris

Pride is one of the enemy’s most effective and deceptive tricks. But don’t fall for it! Walk in humility and swallow your pride—or it may swallow you. Admit that you can’t “see” without God....

Robert Morris - The Stubbornness of Pride

Robert Morris

Stubbornness can lead to our downfall if we don’t surrender our will to God. When we submit our will to Him we proclaim His lordship over our lives....