Touré Roberts - Precision, Power, and Progress

Touré Roberts

Message: Precision, Power, and Progress Preacher: Touré Roberts Church: ONE Church Today I want to talk about precision, power, and progress. God is going to sharpen you in the area of precision; He’s going to give you power, and because you will be...

Joel Osteen - Progress Under Pressure

Joel Osteen

Every breath. Every smile. Everything that brings us joy. It’s all a gift from God—and He’s got a whole lot more where that came from. Rejoice with a grateful heart!...

Rick Renner - Monitoring Your Progress

Rick Renner

Can you remember the last time you took an honest look at where you are and the progress you’ve made? To stay on track and be effective in what God has called you to do, it is essential to make an honest review of yourself and your situations on a...

Steven Furtick - The Paradox Of Progress

Steven Furtick

We can't always see our progress when we're making it; this is the paradox of progress. This may be why you don't feel like you are making progress....

Steven Furtick - The Surprising Secret to Progress

Steven Furtick

Making progress won't always look like you expect. Learn the surprising secret to progress....

Steven Furtick - Proof of Your Progress

Steven Furtick

Not seeing proof of your progress? Sometimes, when you’re growing the most, you feel it the least....

Joyce Meyer - The Price of Progress

Joyce Meyer

Do you want to see more of God's goodness in your life? Today, Joyce Meyer explains the price of progress and shares practical tips to help you succeed....