Jack Hibbs - The Rapture Just Happened, What You Need to Know

Jack Hibbs

What if the Rapture just happened? What if you've been left behind? What should you expect in the coming months and years? What does the Bible say about this time period of the world? We hope that this episode encourages you to take inventory...

Perry Stone - Why Some People Reject the Rapture Teaching?

Perry Stone

Watch Manna-Fest with Perry Stone. Today's episode is entitled: Why Some People Reject the Rapture Teaching?...

David Jeremiah - Shock and Awe

David Jeremiah

All of the saints who have gone to heaven, everybody who's converted, coming back, dressed in white, accompanied by all of his holy angels, I don't know how many angels there are, but there are thousands times ten thousands. You talk about...

David Jeremiah - Salvation in the Tribulation

David Jeremiah

God is gonna raise up people to himself in numbers so great you can't even put a number on it, and heaven will be populated with men and women who have come to Christ during the Tribulation period....

David Jeremiah - Live Like You Were Dying

David Jeremiah

If you realize Jesus is comin' back and you don't wanna be embarrassed when he comes back, live your life in such a way that you'll be proud to meet him when he comes, because you'll be walkin' in the light....

David Jeremiah - Will Children Be Raptured?

David Jeremiah

He's not willing that one of these little ones should perish. And if that's all that I had, I'd build my hope on that alone. The Lord Jesus has compassion for little children and infants, and he's not willing that even one of...

David Jeremiah - The Noah Factor

David Jeremiah

The Bible says, "As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days before the Lord comes back". And we know how it was in the days of Noah, and we're seeing many similarities creeping into our culture and the way of life....

David Jeremiah - At Any Moment

David Jeremiah

Our task is to be looking for him to come at any moment and not looking for something to happen before that time, but just know it could happen. Nothing has to happen before the Rapture occurs. Can I get a witness to that?...

David Jeremiah - A Great Day

David Jeremiah

There is a great day coming and it won't be long, and there's a bright light on the horizon and we have plenty of evidence for it and we have biblical evidence and, boy, does it lift our spirits. Jesus Christ is coming back, and he's...

Perry Stone - Who Will Be Left Behind?

Perry Stone

Watch Manna-Fest with Perry Stone. Today's episode is entitled: Who Will Be Left Behind?...