#394 - Joseph Prince - The Rapture And End-Time Tribulation Explained - Part 2

Joseph Prince

The word saved can mean saved from hell. It also can mean saved from temporal danger. It can also mean healed. It's all the same word, sozo. Because of Jesus and what he did for us on the cross, a believer will never see God's wrath, which...

#394 - Joseph Prince - The Rapture And End-Time Tribulation Explained - Part 1

Joseph Prince

Today for God to judge you will be to be untrue to what Christ has done. It will be a miscarriage of divine justice for God to judge you if you're a believer because Christ took away your sins. There is therefore now no condemnation for us who...

Amir Tsarfati - The Rapture According to the Early Church

Amir Tsarfati

The teaching of the pre-tribulation rapture of the church has fallen victim to much scrutiny, especially over the last couple of centuries. How can we know that the church is going to be raptured before God’s wrath is poured out on this world? Will...

Rick Renner - God Raptured Enoch

Rick Renner

Enoch was the seventh generation from Adam and the first of the Old Testament heroes listed in God’s Hall of Faith. The Bible says he walked in such close fellowship with God that one day God raptured him into Heaven. His life is mentioned in four...

Rick Renner - Enoch, Believing for a Rapture

Rick Renner

Do you know the story of God rapturing Enoch? This little-known story is the subject of today’s program with Rick Renner....

Amir Tsarfati - The Mystery of the Rapture

Amir Tsarfati

A timely message on the blessed hope of every believer. What is the Rapture? Who will be raptured? When will that happen? These questions and more are answered in this teaching, recorded on the top of the Mt. of Olives in Jerusalem....

Amir Tsarfati - How Close Are We to the Rapture?

Amir Tsarfati

How close are we to the rapture? This is a question that many Christians often ask themselves. While we may not know exactly when it will happen, we certainly know when it will not happen. And while we may not know the day or the hour, we do know...

Rick Renner - When The Restrainer Is Removed

Rick Renner

What events will immediately happen when the church is raptured? Don’t miss this amazing program today with Rick Renner....

Rick Renner - The Rapture Of The Church

Rick Renner

What does the Bible really teach about the rapture? This is what Rick Renner covers in today’s program....

Rick Renner - Enoch, Believing for a Personal Rapture

Rick Renner

Enoch was the seventh generation from Adam and the first of the Old Testament heroes listed in God’s Hall of Faith. The Bible says he walked in such close fellowship with God that one day God raptured him into Heaven. His life is mentioned in four...

Rick Renner - The Rapture

Rick Renner

Have you had questions about the rapture of the Church? The rapture shouldn't scare us—it should encourage us. Tune in to tonight's Home Group and be comforted by what the Word of God has to say concerning the rapture!...

Jeff Schreve - When is the Rapture Coming?

Jeff Schreve

Only God knows when the rapture of the church is coming, but His word tells us that He is coming soon. As believers, we are instructed to be watchful and ready. The second coming of Christ is a certain future event and it could happen at any moment....