Robert Jeffress - Jesus or Barabbas?

Robert Jeffress

For every believer the cross of Jesus Christ represents the intersection of God’s justice and God’s mercy. Today we are going to examine the six trials of Jesus Christ that led to the crucifixion of Christ....

Robert Jeffress - The Longest Night

Robert Jeffress

All of us experience disappointment with other people. But the deepest hurt of all is when we are betrayed or abandoned by those closest to us. Jesus experienced both betrayal and abandonment in a single evening, the longest night of His earthly...

Robert Jeffress - In Remembrance of Me

Robert Jeffress

While most Christians have a vague understanding of the symbolism of what we call the "Lord’s Supper," few believers understand how Jesus transformed the most important meal in Jewish life into a way to remember the most important event in...

Robert Jeffress - Jesus In the Hot Seat

Robert Jeffress

Although God never discourages sincere questions, He does react differently to questions that are designed to rationalize our disbelief and disobedience. Today we are going to discover how Jesus responded to three tough questions and learn three...

Robert Jeffress - Why Money Matters?

Robert Jeffress

Jesus’ parables often surprise us because they contain an unexpected twist, an ending that sometimes seems unfair. The Lord’s parable about the minas is one of those stories that confounds us but also contains two important truths we should always...

Robert Jeffress - A Short Story About A Big God

Robert Jeffress

Most of us know very little about the "wee little man" named Zaccheus. Yet his encounter with Jesus tells us a great deal about the heart of God toward sinners....

Robert Jeffress - Seven Words That Will Change Your Life

Robert Jeffress

There is only one sin that will keep you out of heaven and it’s probably not the one you are thinking about! Today, we are going to look at Jesus’ final and clearest parable about how a person can be welcomed into God’s presence....

Robert Jeffress - Persistent Praying

Robert Jeffress

Thomas Edison observed, "Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." Persistence is the key to success in every area of life, including our prayer life, as we will discover...

Robert Jeffress - Signs Of The Times

Robert Jeffress

Although we cannot know the time of Christ’s return to earth, we should be observant of the signs that signal His return... and live accordingly....

Robert Jeffress - The Journey to Hell

Robert Jeffress

What happens to you five seconds after you die? Contrary to popular opinion, everyone does not go to the same place when life ends. Instead, as Jesus explains in today’s passage, there are two possible fates that await every one of us when we die....

Robert Jeffress - Preparing For The Inevitable

Robert Jeffress

Examine the words of Jesus and you will discover that Jesus talked more about money than He did about prayer, Heaven, or Hell. Why? As we will discover today, Jesus says that how we handle our finances is the best test of our faithfulness to God....

Robert Jeffress - The Value of Lost Things

Robert Jeffress

Most all of us could recite the story of the prodigal son by memory. However, as we will see today, this is just one of three parables Jesus told to emphasize the same truth—perhaps the most important truth—we can understand about our Heavenly...