Perry Stone - The World's Three Apocalyptic Religions

Perry Stone

Watch Manna Fest with Perry Stone. Today's episode is entitled: The World's Three Apocalyptic Religions...

Jack Hibbs - Religion vs. Relationship - Part 2

Jack Hibbs

Part 2 of Pastor Jack's message, Relationship Not Religion. Filmed on location in Israel from the area where the Roman army toppled the rocks off the Temple Mount fulfilling the prophecy given by Jesus to His disciples some 40 years prior....

Jack Hibbs - Religion vs. Relationship - Part 1

Jack Hibbs

Religion vs. Relationship. Are you stuck in a cycle of dead religious activity? Join Pastor Jack this week from the steps to the temple mount in Israel and discover the relationship God wants with you....

Craig Groeschel - Toxic Religion

Craig Groeschel

What if toxic religion keeps us so busy trying to earn God’s acceptance that we miss the righteousness that comes by faith in Christ alone? Learn about the dangers and negative effects of religion in this message by Pastor Craig Groeschel....

Carter Conlon - Religion in the Inner Court

Carter Conlon

No one can lay anything on this foundation except the foundation that Christ Himself laid. That which is birthed in Christ, that which is born of God, that which is the embodiment of the heart of God, cannot be shaken and will not be shaken no...

Rick Renner - Thinking Straight About Religion

Rick Renner

What does the New Testament say about pure religion? Join Rick Renner today to keep your thinking straight about religion....

Jeff Schreve - Religion or Relationship?

Jeff Schreve

Do you have religion or a true relationship with Jesus Christ? In this hard-hitting message, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares how religious people appear to be respectable and good on the outside, but on the inside rottenness and self-righteousness...

Kenneth Copeland - Overcoming Religious Traditions About God's Goodness

Kenneth Copeland

Don't believe everything you hear! Watch Believer's Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland and Professor Greg Stephens teach the importance of overcoming religious traditions about God's goodness. Learn how you can stand on the truth...

Robert Jeffress - Religion Gone Wrong

Robert Jeffress

Our world’s economy, our health, our peace with other nations are much more fragile than we imagine and could unravel very quickly, preparing the way for a world leader who offers peace and prosperity in a time of international crisis. And that is...

Louie Giglio - Religion is on the Mic

Louie Giglio

There is a massive difference between living like you have to DO something, and living out of what has been DONE for you. In this message, Pastor Louie Giglio reminds us of that, and warns us against the trap of having religion cloud our...

Robert Jeffress - Is Christianity the Only Right Religion?

Robert Jeffress

Examine the single most controversial claim of Christianity: faith in Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven....

David Barton - First Amendment, Freedom of Religion

David Barton

Learn the definition of inalienable rights as defined by our Founding Fathers and discover how that definition impacts your first amendment rights, specifically the freedom of religion....