Rick Renner - Teach Your Children To Repent

Rick Renner

In today’s program, the Renner sons discuss how Rick and Denise taught them to repent and how they are now teaching this principle to their own children. There is a lot to glean from today’s program!...

Rick Renner - Consequences of Repentance or a Lack of Repentance

Rick Renner

There are consequences associated with repentance or a lack of repentance. If God commands you to repent, what are the consequences of your obedience? What are the consequences if you turn a deaf hear to the Spirit and do not repent?...

Rick Renner - What Is Repentance?

Rick Renner

Today there is a lot of confusion about the word “repentance” and whether or not Christians need to repent. Rick’s subject in today’s program is what repentance is, what is it not, and how it should be done....

Rick Renner - What Does 'Space To Repent' Mean?

Rick Renner

If God is calling a person — or a church — to repent, how much time does He give that one to self-correct before He begins to deal with that person or church in another way? That is a very important question, and this is what Rick Renner deals with...

Robert Jeffress - Choosing Repentance Over Guilt

Robert Jeffress

Today we are going to examine a basic attitude choice that not only impacts our lives now, but our eternity....

Rick Renner - Do Christians Ever Need To Repent?

Rick Renner

There is a lot of confusion in the Church about the subject of repentance. In today’s program, Rick Renner will tell you what repentance is, what it isn’t, and how to do it. Don’t miss this important program....

Rick Renner - What Is True Repentance?

Rick Renner

There is a lot of confusion about repentance today. What is it, what it isn’t, and How to do it, is the subject of Rick Renner’s program today....

Charles Stanley - The Missing Link

Charles Stanley

To live victoriously, our sin should result in sorrow and repentance. In this sermon, Dr. Stanley explains what it means to live in the will of God. He also reveals how renouncing sin with heartfelt grief shows sincere commitment to our Savior. Many...

Robert Jeffress - 'Fess Up To Your Mess Up

Robert Jeffress

"Confession is good for the soul" but it is also essential for beginning your "second act" after failure....

Sid Roth - Trump, Repentance and Tongues Pray with Us for America

Sid Roth

Join Sid Roth and guests for a special time of prayer for President Trump and America....

Billy Graham - Time to Come Home

Billy Graham

There’s pleasure in sin for a season—but it doesn’t last. Billy Graham explains in this 1991 message from East Rutherford, New Jersey....

Billy Graham - Is the Handwriting on the Wall, America?

Billy Graham

God can heal our nation—if we repent of our sins. Watch Billy Graham's passionate plea to the American people in this 1973 message from St. Louis, Missouri....