Don't let your process become your prison. In “My Joy Is My Job,” Pastor Steven Furtick teaches us that just because we feel the pressure of our situation doesn't mean that God's not in it with us....
Every blessing we have comes from God. But we’re not meant to keep those blessings to ourselves. How do we take responsibility and share our blessings with others? Let’s find out....
Now here's something that I think you need to hear because life is progressive, all right? What was that Carol just said? Carol Jones just said, "People have life, but they're not living". Isn't that good? A lot of people,...
Bill Johnson teaches from Psalm 67 on the responsibility of blessing. We have a responsibility to pray for and steward the blessing and favor of God in our lives, that His way may be known in the earth. God’s blessing on our lives is evidence of a...
Responsibilities are a fact of life, but meeting the demands of life isn’t always easy. Learn how to stop disengaging and start living with confidence....
Any definition of the sovereignty of God cannot excuse our responsibility to co-labor with Him to see his purposes prevail on the earth! We are in a partnership with God and even in the midst of mystery we cannot afford to question his goodness and...
How can we leave a legacy of longevity to the next generation? Bill examines the life of Hezekiah to reveal keys. We must move into the reality of lasting blessing and favor, instead of the cycle of blessing and complacency the church has...
In this lesson we discover why advancing the Gospel depends on Christians exercising responsibility. There are two parts to the Christian life: being and doing. Too often we give attention to doing because staying busy is easier than taking...
In what areas would you like to be more responsible? Today, Joyce Meyer shares the value of responsibility and how you can develop a more responsible attitude....