Creflo Dollar - Resting in the Arms of Jesus - Part 3

Creflo Dollar

You know, sometimes we go around worrying about a need being unmet and hadn't even checked in with God. So just say God, I need you to do... Can you... Lord, here's what I need. Tell God what you need and don't wait until you see it....

Creflo Dollar - Resting in the Arms of Jesus - Part 2

Creflo Dollar

You may not be able to see the provisions of God, but it's there. You may not be able to see the angels getting ready to help you, but it's there. You may not be able to see the plan of the Holy Spirit right now, but it's there. You...

Creflo Dollar - Resting in the Arms of Jesus - Part 1

Creflo Dollar

God's rest says you need to be established in Christ, no up and down, "Oh, I'm saved," one day, "I don't know if I'm saved," the next day. "Oh, I'm righteous," one day, "I don't know...

TD Jakes - Rest In His Promises

TD Jakes

In Acts 12, we learn that Herod wanted to use Peter’s execution to score political points, but God walked Peter through it — right past the guards and out of the prison. You may blame your troubles on the devil, on someone else, or on your own...

Jonathan Bernis - The Gift of Rest, Rediscovering the Sabbath

Jonathan Bernis

Discover God's intent for the Sabbath, not as a legalistic burden but for freedom and rest. See how it can bring your family together in an age that tends to break us apart....

#303 - Joseph Prince - Let Go And Let His Supply Flow - Highlights

Joseph Prince

So the Bible says, "We are seated with Christ". So this is my throne. Let me demonstrate to you. This is our position in Christ. We are seated with Christ. I said seated. That means what? The work is finished. The priests of the Old...

#280 - Joseph Prince - Rest And Receive At Jesus' Feet - Part 3

Joseph Prince

How many of you worshiped Jesus just now, you looked to Jesus, you felt life was flowing? Man, hallelujah, that's glory, that's life, that's health, that's wholeness. That's faith that everything's gonna be alright. In...

#280 - Joseph Prince - Rest And Receive At Jesus' Feet - Part 2

Joseph Prince

Jesus is not satisfied for you just to be here serving the Lord, looking at gifts, looking at healing, looking at prosperity. He wants you to know the blesser, the healer, the giver....

#280 - Joseph Prince - Rest And Receive At Jesus' Feet - Part 1

Joseph Prince

Jesus doesn't wanna be one of your helpers, one of your redeemers. He want to be The Redeemer, the one and only. The Lord is full of wisdom. He knows how to bring you to the place where you will see that he's the only redeemer there is....

#280 - Joseph Prince - Rest And Receive At Jesus' Feet - Highlights

Joseph Prince

Come boldly to Jesus, rest at His feet and receive all that you need today! Joseph Prince shows you how you can receive effortlessly when you seek Jesus Himself instead of just His blessings. Learn from the Old Testament love story of Ruth and Boaz...