#707 - Joseph Prince - Much More Restoration Is Coming - Part 4

Joseph Prince

Romans 5, the one that you all know, it says in verse 17, "For if by one man's sin," offense, Adam's sin, people died, death reigned, right? It goes on to say, "Much more, all of you, who receive," what? Abundance of...

#707 - Joseph Prince - Much More Restoration Is Coming - Part 3

Joseph Prince

God always restores much more. You lost a loved one, you lost an item, you lost money, you lost that relationship, you lost whatever it is, and you lost that sense of being close to God especially, you know, that you've been longing for all...

#707 - Joseph Prince - Much More Restoration Is Coming - Part 2

Joseph Prince

Jesus, in the midst of Galilee when he walked around, there was hatred around him, amen, and yet he healed the sick, raised the dead, cleansed the leper. Beautiful, grace in the midst of ugliness. With the redemption of Christ, God sent his Son. Now...

#707 - Joseph Prince - Much More Restoration Is Coming - Part 1

Joseph Prince

God is perfect goodness. God is love. But God gets glory. Think about it. How is truth glorified? How is truth magnified? In the midst of what? Dishonesty. In the midst of cheating. In the midst of all this sin. When there's truth, truth is...

#702 - Joseph Prince - Healing And Restoration For Your Mind - Part 4

Joseph Prince

When things go wrong, his love is still right. He still loves you. And somehow, he gives you a buoyancy to rise above the circumstances. He gives you that knowing that it's going to be all right. When you know he loves you, his eye is on you....

#702 - Joseph Prince - Healing And Restoration For Your Mind - Part 3

Joseph Prince

There's a joy and a peace, a pleasantness that lifts you up. That's what Jesus gives you in the midst of the adversity. Amen? You'll be buoyed up, amen? You'll be raised up....

#702 - Joseph Prince - Healing And Restoration For Your Mind - Part 2

Joseph Prince

The more you hear God's Word, the more you see God's Word, it will drop into your heart. That's when God gives you the understanding. You say, "I see it". When God's Word says that you are a tree planted by the rivers...

#702 - Joseph Prince - Healing And Restoration For Your Mind - Part 1

Joseph Prince

You've got to be born again, yes. You've got to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and what he did for you at the cross. Now, once you're born again, you are born righteous. Your body might still do some things wrong, your mind might...

Rick Warren - Be Restored

Rick Warren

This is part 2 of Pastor Rick’s Easter message, He Did It All For You - Be Restored! Planning for the future for our loved ones often means having a life insurance policy that pays death benefits when we die. While this charitable act shows...

Steven Furtick - Restoring Your Hope

Steven Furtick

God wants to heal your hope. If disappointment and worry have threatened your ability to remain hopeful, it's time to adjust your focus from what you're going through to what you're getting from it. This is an excerpt from...

Steven Furtick - God Will Restore What You've Lost

Steven Furtick

Nothing can stop what God has started in you. If it feels like life has knocked you down, trust that He is working behind the scenes to prepare you for growth. This is an excerpt from "Not Dead Yet."...

Steven Furtick - God Will Restore You

Steven Furtick

God is going to restore what you have lost. This is an excerpt from "Found Fishing."...