#699 - Joseph Prince - His Resurrection, My Victory Over Death - Part 3

Joseph Prince

What a joy to know that at any time you are called back home. Heaven is your home. All your sins are forgiven. As sure as Jesus died on the cross, your sins are forgiven. And, friend, the resurrection of Lazarus is not like the resurrection of...

#699 - Joseph Prince - His Resurrection, My Victory Over Death - Part 2

Joseph Prince

Under the law, women, in a sense, is subjugated. They're not even recognized. But under grace, a new order has come. The first preacher, actually, was a woman. Jesus told Mary, "Go..." Not Mary his mother. There are a few Marys in the...

#699 - Joseph Prince - His Resurrection, My Victory Over Death - Part 1

Joseph Prince

"God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son". Didn't give the best angel, amen. Didn't give just another human being. He gave his own Son "that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting...

Creflo Dollar - Resurrection Benefits

Creflo Dollar

I don't know what you need to be raised from, but I do know that you have access to the power to raise you from whatever it is you're in. See, Jesus had access to the power that raised him from the dead. You might need to be raised out of...

Perry Stone - What You Didn't Know About the Resurrection

Perry Stone

Watch the latest Manna-Fest episode with Perry Stone. Filmed on location from the Garden Tomb in Israel....

Jack Hibbs - The Resurrection Promise

Jack Hibbs

The Resurrection is an eye-witnessed account of an Old Testament promise and without it, the Bible is meaningless. On today's show, we will talk about what atonement is and why it's necessary. You will also hear about why Resurrection is...

Jack Hibbs - Out of Darkness, Resurrection Sunday

Jack Hibbs

Salvation is the most expensive, the most costly thing that has ever been given to mankind. That which is free to us, cost God His own life....

Jack Hibbs - Get Up (Resurrection Sunday)

Jack Hibbs

It’s time for you today, right now, to Get Up for Jesus....

Jeff Schreve - Resurrection and Redemption

Jeff Schreve

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the greatest event in the history of the world. It's the event that changed everything, but the sad reality is that so many people in our world don't know anything about it. Join Pastor Jeff Schreve as...

Jeff Schreve - From Death to Life

Jeff Schreve

The resurrection of Jesus is a fact of history, but has that impacted your life? Has the life-changing gospel of Jesus Christ truly changed your life? Does Jesus really live in your heart? Join Pastor Jeff Schreve as he shares three truths...

Bill Johnson - The Great Communion Revival

Bill Johnson

Join in corporate communion as we celebrate Resurrection Sunday. Bill Johnson outlines the intricate work of salvation and shares revelation on the power of the sacrament. Be prepared for God's current move, and get equipped to walk revived...

Kenneth Copeland - The Resurrection Life of Jesus Makes You Whole

Kenneth Copeland

I receive my healing! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland teaches you how the resurrection life of Jesus makes you whole. Learn to be obedient to what God is speaking to you, and make your bold confession of healing today!...