Louie Giglio - All Worship Involves Sacrifice

Louie Giglio

Louie Giglio takes this opportunity to remind listeners of the importance of bringing something to God that truly is sacrificial. God wants our worship and, rather than being a people who give Him praise that costs us nothing, let us be a people who...

Jack Hibbs - Does God Accept Human Sacrifice?

Jack Hibbs

Abraham's faith was deep, obedient, unwavering, and rooted in his trust in God's character and promises. The Christian's faith is founded upon fact, it is not a blind faith. God makes promises to us so that when they are fulfilled,...

Perry Stone - Offering God a Sick Sacrifice

Perry Stone

Watch Manna-Fest with Perry Stone. Today's episode is entitled: Offering God a Sick Sacrifice...

Steven Furtick - Making Sense of Sacrifice

Steven Furtick

When given the opportunity to sacrifice, our minds often battle between "making sense" and "having faith.” But rarely does real sacrifice ever make sense. Discover how there's nothing we could give that would be too much for a...

Beth Moore - In The Same Boat, Part 3

Beth Moore

Sin is a robber that steals the abundance that Jesus has for you. Do you need to get out of the ditch? Then watch for more....

Charles Stanley - Sacrificing Your Future For The Pleasure Of The Moment

Charles Stanley

Broth or birthright? No rational person would choose the former at the expense of the latter. Yet Esau did, and he’s not the only one among us sacrificing the future for momentary pleasure. In this message, Dr. Stanley exhorts us to exercise...

TD Jakes - A Living Sacrifice

TD Jakes

Being a part of God's Kingdom has benefits and demands - when God demands something from you it's because he has something greater to give you than what you're surrending. In this masterful and encouraging message, T D Jakes takes a...