David Jeremiah - Salvation Pure and Simple

David Jeremiah

"Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me". Paul helps us understand what that wretch thing means. He tells us that's what we were before we came to Christ, but it was the amazing grace of God that came into our...

Charles Stanley - Jesus, The Seeking Savior

Charles Stanley

When Jesus died at the cross, He wasn't just paying for the sins of the men who had killed Him or those who stood by and watched. He paid for the sins of all mankind. In this message, Dr. Stanley emphasizes how Jesus seeks out the hearts of...

Rick Warren - How to Be Certain You're Going to Heaven

Rick Warren

What happens after we die? In this enlightening message, Pastor Rick shares how the Bible says our earthly bodies are temporary, while unseen spiritual realities last forever. We are reminded that life is a preparation for eternity. God wants...

Perry Stone - Why Half of Christians Could Miss the Rapture?

Perry Stone

Watch Manna-Fest with Perry Stone. Today's episode is entitled: Why Half of Christians Could Miss the Rapture?...

Jack Hibbs - Who Are Those Who Can Never Be Saved - Part 4

Jack Hibbs

Join us for the last installment in Hebrews 6:1-6. There are many denominational views of this passage which has caused some to be scared rather than encouraged. The topic is provocative: those who can never be saved and what is the unpardonable sin?...

Jack Hibbs - Who Are Those Who Can Never Be Saved - Part 3

Jack Hibbs

We find in this portion of the scriptures and others that there are those who can never be saved. Who are they, and what circumstances lead to their fate?...

Jack Hibbs - Who Are Those Who Can Never Be Saved - Part 2

Jack Hibbs

There is no need to go back and look at the pictures of Jesus in the Bible – it's time to take Him by the hand....

Jack Hibbs - Who Are Those Who Can Never Be Saved - Part 1

Jack Hibbs

In everything, the book of Hebrews presents Jesus Christ as the all-sufficient and eternal priest. In all things Jesus Christ is better than Moses, than Angels, than the law, being the centrality of those ministries....

Kenneth Copeland - Prayer for Loved Ones To Be Saved

Kenneth Copeland

Salvation is here! Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he urges you to pray for your loved ones to be saved. Be inspired to pray for God to send laborers across their paths, as you listen to miraculous testimonies of salvation!...

Charles Stanley - Is Salvation Enough?

Charles Stanley

Salvation does not guarantee one will live a godly life. Dr. Stanley dismantles the false beliefs of many Christians and clarifies the meaning of the claim "Jesus is Lord." Gain a deeper understanding of why God desires more than just our...

Charles Stanley - Saved by Grace

Charles Stanley

There is no reason to wait until heaven to experience the fullness of God’s grace. He wants us to live abundantly right now. God desires for us to have an intimate relationship with Him. Dr. Stanley shares how important it is to embrace God’s gift...

Jack Hibbs - And the Answer Is

Jack Hibbs

None of us is righteous. We all stand accused of sin, with a long list of Heaven’s indictments against us. But thanks to the work of Jesus Christ on the cross, our guilt can be removed....